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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 3A, E and U

ACETABULAacetabula n. Plural of acetabulum.
ACETABULUM n. (Latin) a cuplike hollow on the hipbone to receive the thighbone.
AGUACATESaguacates n. Plural of aguacate.
AGUACATE n. (Nahuatl) the avocado pear.
AQUACADESaquacades n. Plural of aquacade.
AQUACADE n. an exhibition of swimming and diving skills.
AQUAPLANEaquaplane n. A board ridden by a standing person and pulled by a motorboat for entertainment.
aquaplane v. To ride such a board.
aquaplane v. (Automotive, UK) For a car or similar vehicle to slide along the road on a thin film of water between…
AQUASCAPEaquascape n. An underwater environment designed for an aquarium.
aquascape v. To create or maintain an underwater environment.
AQUASCAPE n. a scenic view of a body of water.
AVIFAUNAEavifaunae n. Plural of avifauna.
AVIFAUNA n. (Latin) the bird life of a particular region.
GUAYABERAguayabera n. (Chiefly US) A light, open-necked, short-sleeved shirt worn by men in Latin America and the West Indies.
GUAYABERA n. (Spanish) a short-sleeved, lightweight sports shirt designed to be worn untucked.
LAQUEARIAlaquearia n. (Historical) The panels of a coffered ceiling in Ancient Rome.
Laquearia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the order Rhytismatales – certain fungi.
LAQUEARIA n. (Latin) a ceiling consisting of panelled recessed compartments, with bands between the panels, also LACUNAR, LEQUEAR.
MALAGUENAmalaguena n. A Spanish dance, typical of Malaga, similar to a fandango.
MALAGUENA n. (Spanish) a Spanish dance performed by a couple, similar to the fandango.
MEGAFAUNAmegafauna n. The large animals of a given region or time, considered as a group.
megafauna n. A treatise on such a group of large animals.
MEGAFAUNA n. the large or macroscopic animals, esp. the large vertebrates, of a given area, habitat, or epoch.
PAHAUTEASPAHAUTEA n. (Maori) a small pyramid-shaped New Zealand conifer.
SEAQUARIAseaquaria n. Plural of seaquarium.
SEAQUARIUM n. an oceanarium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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