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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, P, T, U and Y

ABRUPTLYabruptly adv. In an abrupt manner; without giving notice, or without the usual forms; suddenly; precipitously.
ABRUPT adv. sudden.
AUTOTYPEautotype n. (Dated, countable) A copy or facsimile.
autotype n. (Dated, countable) An early form of photograph produced using autotypy.
autotype n. (Uncountable, computing) A function that completes the typing of a field using a prediction based upon…
AUTOTYPYautotypy n. (Dated, photography) An early photographic process that produced autotypes using a carbon pigment.
AUTOTYPY n. a photographic printing process.
CHUPATTYchupatty n. Archaic spelling of chapatti.
CHUPATTY n. (Hindi) a thin flat piece of unleavened bread, also CHAPATI, CHAPATTI, CHAPPATI, CHUPATI, CHUPATTI.
EUCALYPTeucalypt n. Any tree of the genus Eucalyptus.
eucalypt n. Any tree of the tribe Eucalypteae of genera related and similar to Eucalyptus, such as Corymbia and Angophora.
EUCALYPT n. a large Australian tree, also EUCALYPTUS.
OUTPLAYSoutplays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outplay.
OUTPLAY v. to excel or defeat in a game.
OUTPRAYSoutprays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outpray.
OUTPRAY v. to surpass in praying.
PEANUTTYpeanutty adj. (Informal) Resembling peanuts, peanutlike.
peanutty adj. (Informal) Of, or pertaining to, peanuts.
PEANUTTY adj. having the taste of peanuts.
PLATYPUSplatypus n. A semi-aquatic, egg-laying monotreme mammal with a bill resembling that of a duck, that has a mole-like…
Platypus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Curculionidae – certain weevils.
PLATYPUS n. an aquatic mammal.
PLAYSUITplaysuit n. A one-piece stretch garment worn by very young children.
playsuit n. A one-piece item of clothing for women.
playsuit n. A one-piece undergarment for women.
POURTRAYpourtray v. Archaic form of portray.
POURTRAY v. (Spenser) to portray, also PORTRAY.
PURTRAYDPOURTRAY v. (Spenser) to portray, also PORTRAY.
PUSSYCATpussycat n. Alternative form of pussy-cat.
pussy-cat n. (Informal, endearing) A pet domestic cat; a pussy.
pussy-cat n. (Informal) A gentle or soft-hearted person.
PYRUVATEpyruvate n. (Biochemistry) A salt or ester of pyruvic acid.
PYRUVATE n. a salt or ester of pyruvic acid.
TYMPANUMtympanum n. (Archaic) A drum.
tympanum n. (Anatomy, zootomy) Any of various anatomic structures in various animals with analogy to a drum head…
tympanum n. (Architecture) A vertical recessed triangular space between the sides of a pediment, typically decorated.
UPSTAYEDupstayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of upstay.
UPSTAY v. to sustain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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