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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, O, P, S and V

APPROVESapproves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of approve.
APPROVE v. to regard favourably.
COPAIVAScopaivas n. Plural of copaiva.
COPAIVA n. (Tupi) a transparent resin obtained from certain South American trees, also COPAIBA.
OVERLAPSoverlaps n. Plural of overlap.
OVERLAP v. to extend over and cover.
OVERPASSoverpass n. A section of a road or path that crosses over an obstacle, especially another road, railway, etc.
overpass v. To pass above something, as when flying or moving on a higher road.
overpass v. (Transitive) To exceed, overstep, or transcend a limit, threshold, or goal.
OVERPASToverpast adj. (Archaic) ended; having passed over or passed by.
OVERPAST adj. completely finished.
OVERPAYSoverpays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overpay.
OVERPAY v. to pay too much.
PASSOVERpassover n. Alternative letter-case form of Passover.
Passover prop.n. The seven-day (Reform Judaism) or eight-day (Orthodox and Conservative Judaism) Jewish festival of Pesach…
Passover prop.n. The one-day Biblical feast or festival (not a holy day) that begins at twilight on the fourteenth day…
PAVIOURSpaviours n. Plural of paviour.
PAVIOUR n. a person who lays paving-stones; a machine for tamping down paving-stones, also PAVER, PAVIOR.
PAVLOVASpavlovas n. Plural of pavlova.
PAVLOVA n. (Russian) a type of dessert consisting of a meringue base topped with whipped cream.
POSTCAVApostcava n. (Anatomy) The inferior vena cava.
POSTCAVA n. (Latin) a vein in higher vertebrates.
PRIVADOSprivados n. Plural of privado.
PRIVADO n. (obsolete) a private friend; a confidant.
PROVANDSprovands n. Plural of provand.
PROVAND n. an allowance of food, also PROVEND, PROVENDER, PROVIANT.
PROVANTSprovants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of provant.
PROVANT v. (obsolete) to supply with provisions.
VANPOOLSvanpools n. Plural of vanpool.
vanpools v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vanpool.
VANPOOL n. an arrangement whereby several commuters travel in one van.
VAPORERSvaporers n. Plural of vaporer.
VAPORER n. one that vapors, also VAPOURER.
VAPORISEvaporise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of vaporize.
VAPORISE v. to turn into vapor, also VAPORIZE.
VAPORISHvaporish adj. Alternative spelling of vapourish.
VAPORISH adj. resembling or suggestive of vapours, also VAPOURISH.
VAPOROUSvaporous adj. Of or relating to vapour; also, having the characteristics or consistency of vapour.
vaporous adj. Breathing out or giving off vapour.
vaporous adj. Of a place: filled with vapour; foggy, misty.
VOLUSPASVOLUSPA n. (Old Norse) a sibyl or prophetess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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