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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, N and 3T

ANTISTATantistat n. Any antistatic compound.
ANTISTAT n. something that opposes static electricity.
ANTITHETantithet n. (Archaic) An antithetic or contrasted statement.
ANTITHET n. an instance of antithesis.
ANTPITTAantpitta n. Any of the small, insect-eating passerine birds in family Grallariidae, of subtropical and tropical…
ANTPITTA n. any of several S American birds related to the ant thrushes.
ATTAINTSattaints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of attaint.
ATTAINT v. to pass sentence of attainder on; to sully.
ATTENTATattentat n. (Law, obsolete) Anything whatsoever, as a ruling, by the judge of a lower court in a matter pending an appeal.
attentat n. (Law, obsolete) Any step wrongly innovated or attempted by an inferior judge in a suit.
attentat n. (Obsolete) An attempted assault or assassination of a political figure; a politically motivated attempted assault.
BLATTANTBLATTANT adj. (Spenser) offensively obvious, also BLATANT.
LATITANTlatitant adj. (Archaic) Lying hidden; concealed; latent.
LATITANT adj. lurking; lying in wait.
NATTIESTnattiest adj. Superlative form of natty: most natty.
NATTY adj. neatly dressed.
TANTRISTtantrist n. A devotee of tantrism.
TANTRIST n. an adherent of the yogic discipline tantrism.
TATTINGStattings n. Plural of tatting.
TATTING n. delicate handmade lace.
TATTLINGtattling v. Present participle of tattle.
tattling n. The speech of one who tattles.
TATTLING adj. taletelling.
TITANATEtitanate n. (Chemistry) any salt (or ester) of titanic acid.
TITANATE n. a salt of titanic acid.
TITANITEtitanite n. (Mineralogy) A mixed calcium and titanium neosilicate, CaTiSiO5, once known as sphene.
TITANITE n. a brown, green or yellow monoclinic mineral, calcium silicate and titanate, aka sphene.
TITRANTStitrants n. Plural of titrant.
TITRANT n. the reagent used in titration.
TITUBANTtitubant adj. Stumbling, staggering; with the movement of one who is tipsy.
TITUBANT adj. staggering.
TWATTINGtwatting v. Present participle of twat.
twatting adj. (UK, slang, vulgar) damned; blasted; contemptible.
TWAT v. (slang) to strike violently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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