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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, N, 2O and U

ANOUROUSanourous adj. Alternative form of anurous.
ANOUROUS adj. tailless, also ANUROUS.
APHONOUSaphonous adj. Without a voice; voiceless; aphonic.
APHONOUS adj. voiceless.
ARSONOUSarsonous adj. Of or relating to arson.
arsonous adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to the arsonous acids or their derivatives.
ARSONOUS adj. relating to arson.
AUNTHOODaunthood n. The quality or state of being an aunt.
AUNTHOOD n. the state of being an aunt.
AUTONOMYautonomy n. (Uncountable) The right or condition of self-government; freedom to act or function independently.
autonomy n. (Government, countable) A self-governing country or region.
autonomy n. (Philosophy, uncountable) The capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision.
CANOROUScanorous adj. Melodious.
canorous adj. Resonant.
CANOROUS adj. musical, resonant.
COCOANUTcocoanut n. Dated form of coconut.
COCOANUT n. the large, hard-shelled nut of the cocoa palm, also COCONUT, COKERNUT.
COURANTOcouranto n. Alternative form of coranto.
COURANTO n. an old dance with a gliding step, also CORANTO, COURANT, COURANTE.
DUCATOONducatoon n. (Historical) A silver coin formerly used in Holland and other Dutch-speaking territories.
DUCATOON n. an old silver coin in Venice and elsewhere.
JUNKANOOjunkanoo n. A parade held in the Bahamas.
junkanoo n. (Music) A style of goombay traditionally played on goatskin drums and cowbells during the parade.
Junkanoo n. Alternative letter-case form of junkanoo.
MOKOPUNAmokopuna n. (New Zealand) In Māori culture, grandchildren, or sometimes children generally.
MOKOPUNA n. (Maori) a grandchild or young person.
NONQUOTAnonquota adj. Not included in a quota.
NONQUOTA adj. not included in or subject to a quota.
OULACHONoulachon n. Alternative form of eulachon.
QUADROONquadroon n. (Dated, chiefly historical) A person considered three-fourths white, having one non-white grandparent.
quadroon adj. (Dated, chiefly historical) Of or related to quadroons.
YOKOZUNAyokozuna n. (Sumo) The highest rank of sumo wrestler, above ozeki; grand champion.
yokozuna n. (Sumo) A person holding the rank, either competing at the rank or retired after having achieved it.
YOKOZUNA n. (Japanese) a champion sumo wrestler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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