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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, M, S, U and Y

ALYSSUMSalyssums n. Plural of alyssum.
ALYSSUM n. a plant of the Alyssum genus of low-growing, cruciferous plants, also ALISON.
AMUSEDLYamusedly adv. In an amused manner.
AMUSED adv. AMUSE, to entertain.
ANEURYSManeurysm n. (Pathology) An abnormal blood-filled swelling of an artery or vein, resulting from a localized weakness…
ANEURYSM n. dilatation of an artery, also ANEURISM.
AUTONYMSautonyms n. Plural of autonym.
AUTONYM n. an author's real name.
BURRAMYSBurramys prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Burramyidae – mountain pygmy possum and extinct relatives.
BURRAMYS n. a rare pigmy possum from Australia.
FAMOUSLYfamously adv. (Can we add an example for this sense?) In a celebrated manner.
famously adv. Indicates that the act, state, or occurrence described by the sentence is famous In such a manner as…
famously adv. (Informal) Really well, having great rapport.
JURYMASTjurymast n. (Nautical) A temporary mast constructed when a vessel has been dismasted, usually in heavy weather.
jury␣mast n. (Nautical) A temporary mast, in place of one that has been carried away or broken.
jury␣mast n. (Medicine) An apparatus to support the trunk and head in cases of spinal disease.
MAMAGUYSmamaguys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mamaguy.
MAMAGUY v. (Caribbean) to deceive or tease esp. by flattery.
MARYBUDSMary-buds n. Plural of Mary-bud.
MARYBUD n. a marigold bud.
MUSTARDYmustardy adj. Resembling or characteristic of mustard.
MUSTARDY adj. like mustard.
RAMOUSLYRAMOUS adv. having many branches, also RAMATE, RAMOSE.
SCYBALUMscybalum n. A manually palpable lump of stool in the intestines, associated with constipation.
SCYBALUM n. (Greek) a lump or mass of hard faeces in the intestine.
SUNBEAMYsunbeamy adj. Like a sunbeam; bright, golden, cheerful.
SUNBEAMY adj. full of sunbeams.
YAMULKASyamulkas n. Plural of yamulka.
YAMULKA n. (Yiddish) a religious skullcap, also YAMALKA, YARMELKE, YARMULKA, YARMULKE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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