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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, M, R, U and Y

ANEURYSManeurysm n. (Pathology) An abnormal blood-filled swelling of an artery or vein, resulting from a localized weakness…
ANEURYSM n. dilatation of an artery, also ANEURISM.
BURRAMYSBurramys prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Burramyidae – mountain pygmy possum and extinct relatives.
BURRAMYS n. a rare pigmy possum from Australia.
FUMATORYfumatory adj. Of or relating to smoke, smoking, or fumigation.
fumatory n. A place for subjecting things to smoke or vapour.
FUMATORY n. a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORIUM.
JURYMASTjurymast n. (Nautical) A temporary mast constructed when a vessel has been dismasted, usually in heavy weather.
jury␣mast n. (Nautical) A temporary mast, in place of one that has been carried away or broken.
jury␣mast n. (Medicine) An apparatus to support the trunk and head in cases of spinal disease.
LUMINARYluminary n. One who is an inspiration to others; one who has achieved success in one’s chosen field; a leading light.
luminary n. (Archaic) A body that gives light; especially, one of the heavenly bodies.
luminary n. (Archaic) An artificial light; an illumination.
MARYBUDSMary-buds n. Plural of Mary-bud.
MARYBUD n. a marigold bud.
MATURELYmaturely adv. In a mature manner.
maturely adv. Acting with maturity.
MATURE adv. fully developed, also MATURATE.
MATURITYmaturity n. The state of being mature, ready or ripe. prime state of productibility and self expression.
maturity n. When bodily growth has completed and/or reproduction can begin.
maturity n. (Countable, finance, insurance) The state of a debt obligation at the end of the term of maturation…
MAUMETRYmaumetry n. Archaic form of mammetry.
MAUMETRY n. the religion of Mohammed; idolatry, also MAMMETRY, MAWMETRY.
MORTUARYmortuary adj. Of, or relating to death or a funeral; funereal.
mortuary n. A place where dead bodies are stored prior to burial or cremation.
mortuary n. (Historical) A sort of ecclesiastical heriot, a customary gift claimed by, and due to, the minister…
MULLARKYMullarky prop.n. A surname.
MULLARKY n. (US colloquial) absurd talk, nonsense, also MALARKEY, MALARKY.
MUSTARDYmustardy adj. Resembling or characteristic of mustard.
MUSTARDY adj. like mustard.
MUTATORYmutatory adj. Causing or relating to mutation.
MUTATORY adj. changing, mutable, also MUTATIVE.
NUMERACYnumeracy n. The quality of being numerate; numerical skill.
NUMERACY n. the state of understanding basic mathematics.
NUMERARYnumerary adj. Relating to numbers or numbering.
numerary adj. Of a position which is held by a certain person permanently (in an administration or academy).
numerary n. A person with a numerary position.
QUAGMIRYquagmiry adj. Like a quagmire.
QUAGMIRY adj. like a quagmire, boggy.
RAMOUSLYRAMOUS adv. having many branches, also RAMATE, RAMOSE.
TUMULARYtumulary adj. Alternative form of tumular.
TUMULARY adj. of or like a tumulus, also TUMULAR.
YARMULKAyarmulka n. Alternative spelling of yarmulke.
YARMULKA n. (Yiddish) a religious skullcap, also YAMALKA, YAMULKA, YARMELKE, YARMULKE.
YARMULKEyarmulke n. A skullcap worn by religious Jewish males (especially during prayer).
YARMULKE n. (Yiddish) a religious skullcap, also YAMALKA, YAMULKA, YARMELKE, YARMULKA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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