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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, M, O and 2P

AMPHIPODamphipod n. Any species of the taxonomic order Amphipoda of small, shrimp-like crustaceans.
AMPHIPOD n. a crustacean of the order Amphipoda, that includes e.g. sand-hoppers.
LAMPPOSTlamppost n. The pole that holds up a light so it can illuminate a wide area, such as holds up a streetlight.
lamppost n. (Informal, humorous) A tall, thin person.
lamp-post n. Alternative spelling of lamppost.
MALAPROPmalaprop adj. Characterized by the use of malapropisms.
malaprop n. A malapropism.
malaprop v. To use a malapropism.
PALMTOPSpalmtops n. Plural of palmtop.
PALMTOP n. a small handheld computer.
PAMPEROSpamperos n. Plural of pampero.
Pamperos n. Plural of Pampero.
PAMPERO n. (Spanish) a violent SW wind on and from the pampas.
PAMPOENSPAMPOEN n. (South African) a pumpkin.
PAPADOMSpapadoms n. Plural of papadom.
PAPADOM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
PAPPADOMpappadom n. Uncommon spelling of papadam.
PAPPADOM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
PHOTOMAPphotomap n. (Cartography) a map made by the superimposition of aerial photographs onto grid lines, contours and…
photomap v. (Cartography) to produce such a map (from a photograph or existing map).
PHOTOMAP v. to map by means of aerial photography.
POMPANOSpompanos n. Plural of pompano.
POMPANO n. (Spanish) any one of several species of marine fish.
POPADUMSpopadums n. Plural of popadum.
POPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
POPPADOMpoppadom n. Alternative spelling of papadam.
POPPADOM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
POPPADUMpoppadum n. Alternative spelling of papadam.
POPPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, PUPPODUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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