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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, M, N, T and V

AVERMENTaverment n. The act of averring, or that which is averred; positive assertion.
averment n. Verification; establishment by evidence.
averment n. A positive statement of facts; an allegation; an offer to justify or prove what is alleged.
LAVEMENTlavement n. A washing or bathing.
lavement n. A clyster.
LAVEMENT n. a washing or bathing; a clyster.
NATIVISMnativism n. (Chiefly US) A policy of favoring native-born inhabitants over immigrants.
nativism n. The policy of perpetuating the culture of the natives of a colonised country.
nativism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that some skills or abilities are innate and not learned.
PAVEMENTpavement n. (Now chiefly in technical contexts) A paved surface; a hard covering on the ground.
pavement n. (Chiefly British English) A paved path, for the use of pedestrians, located at the side of a road.
pavement n. (Now chiefly North America) A paving (paved part) of a road or other thoroughfare; the roadway or road surface.
PIVOTMANpivotman n. (Military) A pivot; the soldier around whom a body of troops wheels.
pivotman n. (Sports) A player in a central position.
pivotman n. (Figurative) A central or key person; someone around whom a particular project etc. rotates.
VARMENTSvarments n. Plural of varment.
VARMENT n. (dialect) a pest, vermin, also VARMINT.
VARMINTSvarmints n. Plural of varmint.
VARMINT n. an animal considered to be a pest, vermin, also VARMENT.
VITAMINEvitamine n. Obsolete form of vitamin.
vitamin␣E n. Any of several fat-soluble vitamins, found in plants, that act as antioxidants and are essential for…
VITAMINE n. an organic substance essential to proper nutrition, also VITAMIN.
VITAMINSvitamins n. Plural of vitamin.
VITAMIN n. an organic substance essential to proper nutrition, also VITAMINE.
VIZAMENTVIZAMENT n. (Shakespeare) advisement, also ADVISEMENT, AVISEMENT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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