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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, M, 2N and Y

ANONYMASanonymas n. Plural of anonyma.
ANONYMA n. (obsolete) a showy woman of easy morals.
ANTIMONYantimony n. A chemical element (symbol Sb, from Latin stibium) with an atomic number of 51: a lustrous gray metalloid.
antimony n. The alloy stibnite.
ANTIMONY n. a brittle, bluish-white metallic element.
ANTINOMYantinomy n. (Archaic) A contradiction within a law, or between different laws; also, a contradiction between authorities.
antinomy n. (By extension) Any contradiction or paradox.
ANTINOMY n. a conflict of authority.
ANTONYMSantonyms n. Plural of antonym.
ANTONYM n. a word opposite in meaning to another.
ANTONYMYantonymy n. (Semantics) The semantic relation between antonyms; the quality of being antonymous.
ANTONYMY n. the state of being an antonym.
BANDYMANBANDYMAN n. in India, one who drives a bandy, a carriage or bullock cart.
BANDYMENBANDYMAN n. in India, one who drives a bandy, a carriage or bullock cart.
CANDYMANcandyman n. A male confectioner.
candyman n. (Slang) A male drug dealer.
candy-man n. Alternative spelling of candy man.
CANDYMENcandymen n. Plural of candyman.
candy-men n. Plural of candy-man.
candy␣men n. Plural of candy man.
CINNAMYLcinnamyl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical C6H5-CH=CH-CH2- characteristic…
CINNAMYL n. a radical found in cinnamic compounds.
FUNNYMANfunnyman n. (Informal) comedian.
funny␣man n. (Idiomatic) Alternative form of funnyman.
funny␣man n. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see funny, man.
HANDYMANhandyman n. (Informal) A person who does small tasks and odd jobs.
handyman v. To work as a handyman; to do odd jobs.
HANDYMAN n. a man who does odd jobs.
HANDYMENhandymen n. Plural of handyman.
HANDYMAN n. a man who does odd jobs.
HYMENEANhymenean n. A hymn, song or poem in honour of a wedding; a hymeneal.
hymenean adj. Relating to marriage; hymeneal.
HYMENEAN adj. of or relating to marriage, also HYMENAEAL, HYMENAEAN, HYMENEAL.
MANNERLYmannerly adj. Polite, having good manners.
mannerly adv. Politely; with good manners.
MANNERLY adj. polite.
MANSONRYMANSONRY n. (Shakespeare) residence, buildings, also MANSIONARY.
MINYANIMminyanim n. Plural of minyan.
MINYAN n. (Hebrew) the minimum number required by Jewish law for a religious service.
MONANDRYmonandry n. The possession by a woman of only one husband at one time.
MONANDRY n. the condition of having one husband at a time.
MONEYMANmoneyman n. Someone tasked with handling money, often specifically a financier.
money␣man n. Someone who provides the financing for an endeavor.
MONEYMAN n. a person specializing in finance.
NYMPHEANnymphean adj. Of or pertaining to a nymph or nymphs.
NYMPHEAN adj. of or relating to a nymph, also NYMPHAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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