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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, L, R, T and X

AXLETREEaxletree n. A bar or beam of wood or iron, connecting the opposite wheels of a carriage, on the ends of which the wheels revolve.
axletree n. A spindle or axle of a wheel.
axletree n. A stimulus or driving force.
CURTALAXcurtal-ax n. Alternative form of curtal-axe.
CURTALAX n. a short broadsword, also CURTAXE, CURTALAXE.
DEXTRALSDEXTRAL n. a right-handed person.
EXALTERSexalters n. Plural of exalter.
EXALTER n. one who exalts or raises to dignity.
EXCRETALexcretal adj. Relating to excretion or to excrement.
EXCRETAL adj. relating to excreta.
EXTERNALexternal adj. Outside of something; on the exterior.
external adj. Capable of being perceived outwardly.
external adj. Provided by something or someone outside of the entity (Object, group, company etc.) considered.
EXTREMALextremal adj. (Mathematics) Relating to extrema (maximal or minimal).
extremal n. (Mathematics) Any solution to a variety of equations in the calculus of variations.
EXTREMAL n. a clause which limits recursion.
LAXATORSlaxators n. Plural of laxator.
LAXATOR n. a muscle that relaxes an organ.
RELAXANTrelaxant n. A drug or other agent that promotes relaxation.
RELAXANT n. a drug that relieves muscular tension.
TEXTURALtextural adj. Of or pertaining to texture.
TEXTURAL adj. pertaining to the surface characteristics of something.
TRIAXIALtriaxial adj. Having three axes.
triaxial adj. (Mathematics, astronomy) Having three axes of rotation and three planes of symmetry (e.g. having the…
triaxial adj. Along all three axes.
ZELATRIXzelatrix n. (Ecclesiastical) A nun who oversees the behaviour of young nuns.
ZELATRIX n. (Latin) a nun whose duty is to keep watch on the behaviour of younger nuns in the convent, also ZELATOR, ZELATRICE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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