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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, L, 2N and Y

ANNUALLYannually adv. Once every year without fail, yearly.
ANNUAL adv. happening every year.
CINNAMYLcinnamyl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical C6H5-CH=CH-CH2- characteristic…
CINNAMYL n. a radical found in cinnamic compounds.
FENTANYLfentanyl n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic opioid narcotic analgesic C22H28N2O with pharmacological action similar to…
FENTANYL n. a narcotic opioid.
INLAYINGinlaying v. Present participle of inlay.
inlaying n. An inlaid pattern.
INLAYING n. the act of inlaying.
INNATELYinnately adv. In an innate manner, referring to a property that is possessed merely by its nature.
INNATE adv. inborn.
INSANELYinsanely adv. In an insane manner; not sanely.
insanely adv. To a great degree; very much.
INSANE adv. mentally unsound.
LANGSYNElangsyne adv. Yesteryear, in the old days, some time ago.
lang␣syne adv. Long ago.
LANGSYNE adv. (Scots) long since; long ago, also LANGSYNES.
MANNERLYmannerly adj. Polite, having good manners.
mannerly adv. Politely; with good manners.
MANNERLY adj. polite.
NATANTLYnatantly adv. In a floating manner; swimmingly.
NATANT adv. floating in water, as the leaves of water lilies, or submersed, as those of many aquatic plants.
NONLEAFYnonleafy adj. Not leafy.
NONLEAFY adj. having no leaves.
NONLOYALnonloyal adj. Not loyal.
NONLOYAL adj. not loyal.
NONPLAYSnonplays n. Plural of nonplay.
NONPLAY n. a theatrical work that is not a play.
NONROYALnonroyal adj. Not of royal rank or family.
nonroyal n. One who is not a royal.
non-royal adj. Not royal; not related to or of the nature of a king or queen.
NOUNALLYnounally adv. As a noun.
NOUNAL adv. relating to a noun.
UNGAINLYungainly adj. Clumsy; lacking grace.
ungainly adj. Difficult to move or to manage; unwieldy.
ungainly adj. (Obsolete) Unsuitable; unprofitable.
UNLAYINGunlaying v. Present participle of unlay.
UNLAY v. to untwist.
WANTONLYwantonly adv. In a wanton manner.
WANTON adv. thoughtlessly cruel.
YEANLINGyeanling n. The newly born offspring of a goat or sheep.
YEANLING n. an animal that is undergoing the process of weaning, also EANLING, WEANEL, WEANLING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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