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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, 2L, R and W

AWFULLERawfuller adj. Comparative form of awful: more awful.
AWFUL adj. horrible.
CALLOWERcallower adj. Comparative form of callow: more callow.
CALLOW adj. immature.
DRYWALLSdrywalls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of drywall.
dry␣walls n. Plural of dry wall.
DRYWALL v. to build with drywalls.
FALLOWERfallower n. A person or machine that fallows, a reaper or plowman.
FALLOW adj. brownish-yellow.
FAREWELLfarewell n. A wish of happiness or safety at parting, especially a permanent departure.
farewell n. A departure; the act of leaving.
farewell adj. Parting, valedictory, final.
FIREWALLfirewall n. (Architecture) A fireproof barrier used to prevent the spread of fire between or through buildings…
firewall n. (Computer security) The software that monitors traffic in and out of a private network or a personal…
firewall n. (Physics) A hypothetical phenomenon where an observer falling into a black hole encounters high-energy…
HALLOWERhallower n. One who hallows or makes holy.
HALLOWER n. one who hallows.
HELLWARDhellward adv. Alternative spelling of Hellward.
Hellward adv. Toward Hell.
HELLWARD adv. towards hell.
LAWYERLYlawyerly adj. Characteristic of, or suitable to, a lawyer.
LAWYERLY adj. like, or becoming, a lawyer.
ROLLAWAYrollaway adj. Having wheels to allow for storage.
ROLLAWAY n. something mounted on rollers.
ROLLWAYSrollways n. Plural of rollway.
ROLLWAY n. an incline for rolling logs.
SALLOWERsallower adj. Comparative form of sallow: more sallow.
SALLOW adj. esp. of a person's skin, of a pale-yellowish colour.
ULTRALOWultralow adj. Extremely low.
ULTRALOW adj. extremely low.
WALLAROOwallaroo n. Any of three closely related species of moderately large macropods, intermediate in size between the…
wallaroo n. The common wallaroo, Macropus robustus; the most common and widespread species of the three.
Wallaroo n. (Australia, cricket) Someone who plays for the Australia women’s national rugby union team.
WALLOPERwalloper n. One who wallops.
walloper n. (Ireland) A cudgel, a shillelagh.
walloper n. (Scotland, slang, derogatory, vulgar) penis; (by extension) an idiot, a stupid person.
WALLOWERwallower n. Agent noun of wallow; one who wallows.
wallower n. (Dated, engineering) A lantern wheel; a trundle.
WALLOWER n. one that rolls about.
WALLWORTwallwort n. Danewort.
WALLWORT n. a dwarf elder.
WILLYARDWillyard prop.n. A surname.
WILLYARD adj. (Scots) bent on having one's own way, also WILLFUL, WILFUL, WILLYART.
WILLYARTWILLYART adj. (Scots) bent on having one's own way, also WILLFUL, WILFUL, WILLYARD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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