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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, 3L and U

ALLELUIAalleluia interj. A liturgical or variant form of hallelujah.
alleluia n. A liturgical form of hallelujah.
alleluia n. (Music) A choral composition incorporating alleluia in its text.
ALLUVIALalluvial adj. Pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream.
alluvial n. (Countable) A deposition of sediment over a long period of time by a river; an alluvial layer.
alluvial n. Alluvial soil; specifically, in Australia, gold-bearing alluvial soil.
BLUEBALLblue-ball v. (Slang, vulgar, transitive) To leave (a person, usually a man) sexually frustrated by denying them an…
BLUEBALL n. a medicinal herb.
CALLALOUcallalou n. Alternative spelling of callaloo.
CALLALOU n. (Caribbean) a crabmeat soup, also CALALOO, CALALU, CALLALOO.
CELLULARcellular adj. Of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells.
cellular n. (US, informal) A cellular phone (mobile phone).
CELLULAR adj. pertaining to a cell.
GLUEBALLglueball n. (Physics) A theoretical particle composed entirely of gluons.
GLUEBALL n. a hypothetical subatomic particle consisting exclusively of gluons bound together.
GLUMELLAglumella n. Alternative form of glumelle.
GLUMELLA n. the membranous inner bract of a grass flower, aka the palea.
GULLABLEgullable adj. Archaic spelling of gullible.
GULLABLE adj. easily deceived, also GULLIBLE.
GULLABLYgullably adv. Alternative form of gullibly.
GULLABLE adv. easily deceived, also GULLIBLE.
HALLUCALhallucal adj. Of or pertaining to the hallux.
HALLUCAL adj. relating to the hallux, the big toe.
ILLUVIALilluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, or formed by illuviation.
ILLUVIAL adj. relating to illuvium, material removed from soil layer by rainwater and deposited in lower layer.
LABELLUMlabellum n. The lower central petal of a flower (especially an orchid), usually developed to be showy and attract pollinators.
labellum n. (Entomology) Part of the mouth of an insect, especially the sucking mouthparts of a fly.
LABELLUM n. (Latin) the lower petal of an orchid.
LADLEFULladleful n. (Cooking) A sufficient quantity to fill a ladle.
LADLEFUL n. as much as a ladle can hold.
LAPILLUSlapillus n. A fragment of lava ejected from a volcano.
lapillus n. (Zoology) One of the otoliths in finfish.
LAPILLUS n. (Latin) a small stone ejected by volcanic eruption.
LAWFULLYlawfully adv. Conforming to the law; legally.
LAWFUL adv. allowed by law (the body of rules governing the affairs of a community).
PLURALLYplurally adv. In a plural manner or fashion.
PLURAL adv. more than one.
PULPALLYpulpally adv. (Dentistry) In terms of the pulp.
PULPAL adv. pertaining to pulp.
TELLURALtellural adj. Of or pertaining to the earth.
TELLURAL adj. of or pertaining to the earth, also TELLURIC.
VULSELLAvulsella n. Alternative form of vulsellum.
vulsella n. Plural of vulsellum.
VULSELLA n. (Latin) forceps with clawed blade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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