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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, K, M and 2R

ARTMAKERartmaker n. One who produces art; an artist.
ARTMAKER n. one that produces art.
BROCKRAMbrockram n. A basal breccia of cemented limestone and sandstone fragments dating from the Permian period, found…
BROCKRAM n. (dialect) fragmented rock, breccia.
CARMAKERcarmaker n. A manufacturer of automobiles.
CARMAKER n. an automobile manufacturer.
DARKROOMdarkroom n. (Photography) A dark room, where photographs are developed.
darkroom n. A darkened room where sexual activity can take place, especially one in a gay club.
dark␣room n. (Photography) Alternative form of darkroom.
EARMARKSearmarks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of earmark.
EARMARK v. to set aside for a definite purpose.
FARMWORKfarmwork n. The agricultural work done on a farm.
farm␣work n. Alternative form of farmwork.
FARMWORK n. the labor done on a farm.
FIREMARKfiremark n. Alternative form of fire mark.
fire␣mark n. (Historical) A plaque mounted outside a house, bearing the emblem of the insurance company, as a guide…
FIREMARK n. a metal plate formerly placed by insurance companies to mark an insured building.
KRAMERIAkrameria n. Any member of the genus Krameria of rhatanies.
Krameria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Krameriaceae – rhatany, of Central America and adjoining lands.
KRAMERIA n. a genus of spreading shrubs with many stems.
MARKETERmarketer n. One who designs and executes marketing campaigns.
marketer n. (US English) One who sells products or services, for example goods at a market; called a marketeer in UK English.
MARKETER n. one that markets, also MARKETEER.
MARKHOORmarkhoor n. Alternative form of markhor.
MARKHOOR n. (Persian) a wild goat of the mountains of Asia, also MARKHOR.
MARKHORSmarkhors n. Plural of markhor.
MARKHOR n. (Persian) a wild goat of the mountains of Asia, also MARKHOOR.
REEMBARKreembark v. Embark again.
reëmbark v. Alternative form of reembark.
re-embark v. Alternative form of reembark.
REGMAKERREGMAKER n. (South African) a drink taken to relieve the effects of a hangover.
REMAKERSremakers n. Plural of remaker.
REMAKER n. one who remakes.
REMARKEDremarked v. Simple past tense and past participle of remark.
remarked adj. Conspicuous; marked.
remarked adj. Bearing a remark, as an etching.
REMARKERremarker n. One who remarks.
REMARKER n. one who remarks.
REMARKETremarket v. (Transitive) To market again.
REMARKET v. to market again.
RILLMARKRILLMARK n. a marking produced by water running down a bank or beach.
VERKRAMPverkramp adj. (South Africa) Politically conservative or pessimistic.
VERKRAMP adj. (South African) in South Africa, narrow-minded and illiberal esp. towards black and coloured people, also VERKRAMPTE.
WARMAKERwarmaker n. One who wages war.
WARMAKER n. one who makes war.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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