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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, J, R, S and T

ADJUSTERadjuster n. One who adjusts, especially for the insurance industry’s employment title "loss adjuster" (or "claims…
ADJUSTER n. one who adjusts.
ADJUSTORadjustor n. Alternative form of adjuster.
ADJUSTOR n. one who adjusts, e.g. losses for an insurance company.
JAMBARTSJAMBART n. a greave, armour covering the lower leg, also JAMB, JAMBE, JAMBEAU, JAMBER, JAMBIER.
JANITORSjanitors n. Plural of janitor.
JANITOR n. (Latin) a doorkeeper; an attendant or caretaker.
JAROSITEjarosite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral with rhombohedral crystals, KFe33+(SO4)2(OH)6.
JAROSITE n. a sulphate of potassium and iron occurring as yellow or brown crusts on ferruginous ores.
JURYMASTjurymast n. (Nautical) A temporary mast constructed when a vessel has been dismasted, usually in heavy weather.
jury␣mast n. (Nautical) A temporary mast, in place of one that has been carried away or broken.
jury␣mast n. (Medicine) An apparatus to support the trunk and head in cases of spinal disease.
MAJORATSmajorats n. Plural of majorat.
MAJORAT n. (French) primogeniture, the circumstance of being firstborn.
NAARTJESnaartjes n. Plural of naartje.
NAARTJE n. (South African) a small sweet orange like the mandarin, also NAARTJIE, NARTJIE.
NARTJIESnartjies n. Plural of nartjie.
NARTJIE n. (South African) a small sweet orange like the mandarin, also NAARTJE, NAARTJIE.
READJUSTreadjust v. To adjust again.
READJUST v. to adjust again.
SCRAMJETscramjet n. (Aeronautics) A jet engine capable of propelling an aircraft at hypersonic speeds, in which combustion…
SCRAMJET n. a type of aircraft engine.
SERJEANTserjeant n. Archaic spelling of sergeant.
serjeant n. (Law) Short for serjeant-at-law.
SERJEANT n. a noncommissioned military officer, also SERGEANT.
TRAJECTStrajects n. Plural of traject.
TRAJECT v. to transmit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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