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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, I, S, U and Z

AZIMUTHSazimuths n. Plural of azimuth.
AZIMUTH n. (Arabic) the angle a celestial object makes from due north, when measured in an eastwards direction along the horizon.
AZURINESazurines n. Plural of azurine.
AZURINE n. a freshwater fish, the blue roach.
AZURITESazurites n. Plural of azurite.
AZURITE n. a blue carbonate of copper, aka blue malachite.
BAZOUKISbazoukis n. Plural of bazouki.
BAZOUKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek long-necked lute with 3 or 4 double courses of metal strings, also BOUSOUKI, BOUZOUKI, BUZUKI.
BUZKASHIbuzkashi n. (Games, sports) A team sport originating in Central Asia, where the players, all on horseback, try to…
BUZKASHI n. (Persian) a game played in Afghanistan by teams of horsemen contesting for possession of a goat's carcass.
CAZIQUEScaziques n. Plural of cazique; an alternative spelling of cacique.
CAZIQUE n. (Taino) a West Indian or American Indian chief, also CACIQUE.
DEUTZIASdeutzias n. Plural of deutzia.
DEUTZIA n. a genus of saxifragaceous plants with panicles of white flowers.
DUALIZESdualizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dualize.
DUALIZE v. to make twofold, also DUALISE.
GAUZIESTgauziest adj. Superlative form of gauzy: most gauzy.
GAUZY adj. resembling gauze.
JACUZZISjacuzzis n. Plural of jacuzzi.
jacuzzis v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jacuzzi.
Jacuzzis n. Plural of Jacuzzi.
MAUZIESTMAUZY adj. foggy, misty, also MAUSY.
SHIATZUSSHIATZU n. (Japanese) a massage technique using finger pressure at acupuncture centers, also SHIATSU.
SUBSIZARsubsizar n. (UK, Cambridge University) An under sizar; a student of lower rank than a sizar.
SUBSIZAR n. a student of lower rank than a sizar.
SUZERAINsuzerain n. (International politics) A dominant nation or state that has control over the international affairs…
suzerain n. (Historical) A feudal landowner to whom vassals were forced to pledge allegiance.
SUZERAIN n. (French) a feudal lord.
ZAIBATSUzaibatsu n. (Economics) A Japanese ‘money clique’ or conglomerate; (by extension) in the United States, any large corporation.
ZAIBATSU n. (Japanese) a powerful, family-controlled Japanese combine.
ZAKOUSKIzakouski n. Plural of zakouska.
ZAKOUSKA n. (Russian) an hors d'oeuvre; a snack, also ZAKUSKA.
ZASTRUGIzastrugi n. Plural of zastruga; Alternative form of sastrugi.
ZASTRUGA n. (Russian) long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains, also SASTRUGA.
ZIKURATSzikurats n. Plural of zikurat.
ZIKURAT n. a Babylonian temple tower, also ZIGGURAT, ZIKKURAT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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