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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, I, P, T and V

ADAPTIVEadaptive adj. Of, pertaining to, characterized by or showing adaptation; making or made fit or suitable.
adaptive adj. Capable of being adapted or of adapting; susceptible of or undergoing accordant change.
adaptive adj. (Psychology) Of a trait: that helps an individual to function well in society.
ADOPTIVEadoptive adj. Related through adoption.
adoptive adj. Pertaining to adoption.
ADOPTIVE adj. due to adoption; having the specified familial relation by adoption.
ANVILTOPANVILTOP n. a cloud mass shaped like an anvil.
CAPTIVEDcaptived v. Simple past tense and past participle of captive.
captived adj. (Obsolete) Captured; captive.
CAPTIVE v. to make a prisoner.
CAPTIVEScaptives n. Plural of captive.
CAPTIVE v. to make a prisoner.
EXAPTIVEexaptive adj. Relating to exaptation.
EXAPTIVE adj. of a biological feature, having a function differing from that for which it was originally evolved e.g. feathers evolved originally for warmth, also EXAPTED.
LIVETRAPlivetrap v. Alternative spelling of live-trap.
livetrap n. Alternative spelling of live-trap.
live-trap v. To catch live animals with traps.
OPTATIVEoptative adj. Expressing a wish or a choice.
optative adj. (Grammar) Related or pertaining to the optative mood.
optative n. (Grammar) A mood of verbs found in some languages (e.g. Sanskrit, Old Prussian, and Ancient Greek, but…
PERVIATEPERVIATE v. to make a way through.
PIVOTMANpivotman n. (Military) A pivot; the soldier around whom a body of troops wheels.
pivotman n. (Sports) A player in a central position.
pivotman n. (Figurative) A central or key person; someone around whom a particular project etc. rotates.
PRACTIVEpractive adj. (Obsolete) Doing; active.
PRACTIVE adj. (obsolete) practical; concerned with practice.
PRIVATERprivater adj. Comparative form of private: more private.
PRIVATE adj. secluded from the sight, presence or intrusion of others.
PRIVATESprivates n. Plural of private.
privates n. (Informal) The genitalia; those body parts that are not normally displayed; private parts.
privates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of private.
PROVIANTproviant n. (Scotland) provisions, especially for an army.
PROVIANT n. an allowance of food, also PROVAND, PROVEND, PROVENDER.
PUTATIVEputative adj. (Derogatory) Commonly believed or deemed to be the case; accepted by supposition rather than as a result of proof.
PUTATIVE adj. supposed or reputed.
VAMPIESTvampiest adj. Superlative form of vampy: most vampy.
VAMPY adj. like a vamp, also VAMPISH.
VAPIDESTvapidest adj. Superlative form of vapid: most vapid.
VAPID adj. empty.
VAPIDITYvapidity n. The state or quality of being vapid; vapidness.
VAPIDITY n. the state of being vapid.
VARITYPEvaritype n. (Printing, historical) A kind of advanced typewriter that could use various different typefaces.
varitype v. (Printing, historical) To prepare printed material using a machine of this kind.
VARITYPE v. to produce copy on a special typewriter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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