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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, I, M, Q and U

AQUARIUMaquarium n. A tank, often made of glass, for keeping live fish or other aquatic animals.
aquarium n. A public place where live fish and other aquatic animals are exhibited.
AQUARIUM n. (Latin) a water filled museum for all forms of aquatic life.
MAQUILASmaquilas n. Plural of maquila.
MAQUILA n. (Spanish) a manufacturing plant in Mexico that produce parts for assembly in the United States, also MAQUILADORA.
MAROQUINmaroquin n. (Somewhat dated) leather made from goatskin.
MAROQUIN n. (Spanish) goat leather, morocco leather, also MAROCAIN.
MARQUISEmarquise n. (Chiefly historical) A marchioness, especially one who is French.
marquise n. A marquee.
marquise n. (Jewelry) An oval cut gemstone with pointed ends.
QAMUTIKSqamutiks n. Plural of qamutik.
QAMUTIK n. (Inuit) a sled with wooden runners, also COMATIK, KAMOTIK, KAMOTIQ, KOMATIK.
QUACKISMquackism n. Behaviour of a quack; quackery.
QUACKISM n. the practise of a charlatan, also QUACKERY.
QUAGMIREquagmire n. A swampy, soggy area of ground.
quagmire n. (Figuratively) A perilous, mixed up and troubled situation; a hopeless tangle.
quagmire v. (Transitive) To embroil (A person, etc.) in complexity or difficulty.
QUAGMIRYquagmiry adj. Like a quagmire.
QUAGMIRY adj. like a quagmire, boggy.
QUALMIERqualmier adj. Comparative form of qualmy: more qualmy.
QUALMY adj. having misgivings.
QUALMINGqualming v. Present participle of qualm.
QUALMING n. the state of having a qualm.
QUALMISHqualmish adj. Affected with qualms; queasy, nauseous.
QUALMISH adj. sick at the stomach; affected with nausea.
QUILLMANquillman n. (Archaic) One who writes with a quill.
QUILLMAN n. a clerk.
RAMEQUINramequin n. Alternative form of ramekin.
RAMEQUIN n. a small casserole dish in which cheese souffle, eggs etc. are served, also RAMAKIN, RAMEKIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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