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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, I, 2M and U

ALUMINUMaluminum n. American form and Canadian form standard spelling of aluminium.
ALUMINUM n. a light silvery malleable and ductile metallic element, also ALUMINIUM, ALUMIUM.
ALUMIUMSALUMIUM n. (obsolete) aluminium, as first named by Sir Humphrey Davy, also ALUMINIUM, ALUMINUM.
AMMONIUMammonium n. (Inorganic chemistry) The univalent NH4+ cation, derived by the protonation of ammonia.
ammonium n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) Any similar cation formed by replacing one or more hydrogen…
AMMONIUM n. the ion NH4+, which occurs in the salts formed by ammonia and in ammonia solutions.
CADMIUMScadmiums n. Plural of cadmium.
CADMIUM n. a metallic element.
CAMBIUMScambiums n. Plural of cambium.
CAMBIUM n. a layer of plant tissue.
CYMATIUMcymatium n. (Architecture) A molding on the cornice.
cymatium n. (Architecture) A type of molding that is wavelike in form.
CYMATIUM n. (Latin) a curved moulding, also CYMA.
DOMATIUMdomatium n. (Entomology, botany) A chamber produced by a plant in which insects, mites, or fungi live. It typically…
DOMATIUM n. (Greek) a plant-structure that harbours mites.
HUMANISMhumanism n. The study of the humanities or the liberal arts; literary (especially classical) scholarship.
humanism n. (Historical, often capitalized) Specifically, a cultural and intellectual movement in 14th-16th century…
humanism n. An ethical system that centers on humans and their values, needs, interests, abilities, dignity and…
IMMATUREimmature adj. (Now rare) Occurring before the proper time; untimely, premature (especially of death).
immature adj. Not fully formed or developed; not grown.
immature adj. Childish in behavior; juvenile.
MALEMIUTmalemiut n. Dated form of malamute.
MALEMIUT n. (Inuit) an Alaskan sled dog, also MALAMUTE, MALEMUTE.
MANUMITSmanumits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of manumit.
MANUMIT v. to free from slavery.
MASURIUMmasurium n. (Obsolete) The metallic element technetium.
MASURIUM n. a name proposed for element number 43, now called technetium.
MAXIMUMSmaximums n. Plural of maximum.
MAXIMUM n. the largest possible amount.
MIASMOUSmiasmous adj. Miasmic.
MIASMOUS adj. of or like a miasma, also MIASMAL, MIASMATIC, MIASMIC.
MITUMBASMITUMBA n. (Swahili) used clothes from wealthy countries imported to Africa.
MWALIMUSmwalimus n. Plural of mwalimu.
MWALIMU n. (Swahili) a teacher.
SAMARIUMsamarium n. A chemical element (symbol Sm) with an atomic number of 62, a moderately hard silvery metal that slowly…
SAMARIUM n. a metallic element.
SUMMITALsummital adj. Relating to a summit.
SUMMITAL adj. pertaining to the summit.
TIMPANUMtimpanum n. (Anatomy) The eardrum.
timpanum n. (Anatomy) The middle ear.
timpanum n. (By extension) The diaphragm of a telephone.
UNMAIMEDunmaimed adj. Not maimed.
UNMAIMED adj. not maimed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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