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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, I, L, P and V

ANVILTOPANVILTOP n. a cloud mass shaped like an anvil.
DEPRIVALdeprival n. The condition of being deprived.
DEPRIVAL n. deprivation.
IMPLUVIAimpluvia n. Plural of impluvium.
IMPLUVIUM n. (Latin) a rain water receptacle in Roman houses.
LIPSALVElipsalve n. Alternative form of lip salve.
lip␣salve n. Lip balm.
LIPSALVE n. ointment for the lips, esp. to prevent chapping; blandishment.
LIVETRAPlivetrap v. Alternative spelling of live-trap.
livetrap n. Alternative spelling of live-trap.
live-trap v. To catch live animals with traps.
PAHLAVISpahlavis n. Plural of pahlavi.
PAHLAVI n. (Persian) a former coin of Iran.
PARAVAILparavail adj. At the bottom; lowest (said of feudal tenants).
PARAVAIL adj. below others in rank, as in tenant paravail: a tenant who held from another who was himself a tenant.
PARVOLINparvolin n. Alternative form of parvoline.
PARVOLIN n. a ptomaine formed in the putrefaction of albuminous matters, esp. of horseflesh and mackerel.
PAVILIONpavilion n. An ornate tent.
pavilion n. A light roofed structure used as a shelter in a public place.
pavilion n. A structure, sometimes temporary, erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc.
PAVILLONpavillon n. Archaic form of pavilion.
PAVILLON n. (French) the bell of a wind instrument.
PLAUSIVEplausive adj. (Rare) Laudable, praisable.
plausive adj. (Obsolete) Applauding; showing praise.
plausive adj. (Obsolete) Plausible (obtaining approbation), specious (having an attractive appearance intended to…
PLUVIALSpluvials n. Plural of pluvial.
PLUVIAL n. a floor-length open-fronted ecclesiastical garment.
PLUVIANSpluvians n. Plural of pluvian.
PLUVIAN n. a crocodile bird.
PREVAILSprevails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prevail.
PREVAIL v. to triumph.
PRIMEVALprimeval adj. Belonging to the first ages.
primeval adj. Primary; original.
primeval adj. Primitive.
PROVIRALproviral adj. Of or pertaining to a provirus.
PROVIRAL adj. relating to a provirus, the form of a virus when it is integrated into the DNA of the host cell.
PULVINARpulvinar n. (Anatomy) A prominence on the posterior part of the thalamus of the human brain.
pulvinar n. (Obsolete) A pillow or cushion.
pulvinar adj. Padded; formed like a cushion.
VALPROICvalproic adj. Of or pertaining to valproic acid or its derivatives.
VALPROIC adj. as in valproic acid, used to treat seizures.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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