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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, I, K and 2T

ANTITANKantitank adj. (Military) Of weapons or tactics, designed for attacking tanks or other armored vehicles.
anti-tank adj. Alternative spelling of antitank.
ANTITANK adj. designed to combat tanks.
ASTATKISASTATKI n. (Russian) the residue of petroleum distillation, used as fuel.
KILOWATTkilowatt n. One thousand (103) watts.
kilo-watt n. One thousand (103) watts. Symbol: kW or KW.
KILOWATT n. a unit of power.
PATUTUKIpatutuki n. (New Zealand) blue cod (Parapercis colias).
PATUTUKI n. (New Zealand) the blue cod.
STATICKYstaticky adj. Resembling or containing static.
STATICKY adj. marked by static.
STOTINKAstotinka n. A unit of currency in Bulgaria, worth one hundredth of a lev.
STOTINKA n. (Bulgarian) a Bulgarian monetary unit, worth one hundredth of a lev.
TACKIESTtackiest adj. Superlative form of tacky: most tacky.
TACKEY adj. slightly sticky, also TACKY.
TALKIESTtalkiest adj. Superlative form of talky: most talky.
TALKY adj. tending to talk a great deal.
TALKTIMETALKTIME n. the total amount of time available to the user of a telephone to make calls.
TICKTACKticktack n. A kind of backgammon played with both men and pegs.
ticktack interj. Dated form of tick tock.
ticktack n. A repeated ticking noise like that made by a clock or a watch.
TIETACKStie␣tacks n. Plural of tie tack.
TIETACK n. a tie clip, also TIETAC.
TINTACKStintacks n. Plural of tintack.
TINTACK n. a tack coated with tin.
TITLARKStitlarks n. Plural of titlark.
TITLARK n. a pipit, esp. the meadow pipit.
TZATZIKItzatziki n. An appetizer made from yoghurt, cucumber, garlic, olive oil and dill or mint; usually served with pitta…
TZATZIKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek dish made of yoghurt and finely sliced or chopped cucumber flavoured with garlic etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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