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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, I, 2K and N

KAIAKINGkaiaking v. Present participle of kaiak.
KAIAK v. to travel by kaiak, also KAYAK.
KAKIEMONkakiemon n. Japanese porcelain wares featuring enamel decoration.
KAKIEMON n. (Japanese) a type of Japanese porcelain.
KANTIKOYkantikoy n. Alternative form of canticoy.
KANTIKOY v. (Native American) to dance as an act of worship, also CANTICO, CANTICOY.
KAYAKINGkayaking v. Present participle of kayak.
kayaking n. A water sport involving racing, or doing tricks in, a kayak.
KAYAKING n. the act of paddling a kayak.
KINAKINAKINAKINA n. (Quechua) a tree yielding cinchona bark, from which quinine is made, also CHINACHINA, CINCHONA, KINA, QUINA, QUINAQUINA, QUINQUINA.
KINKAJOUkinkajou n. Potos flavus, a carnivorous mammal of Central America and South America with a long, prehensile tail…
KINKAJOU n. a nocturnal carnivorous mammal of South America, allied to the raccoons.
KNACKINGknacking v. Present participle of knack.
KNACK v. to strike sharply.
KNACKISHknackish adj. (Obsolete) Trickish; artful.
KNACKISH adj. having a knack; cunning, also KNACKY.
NICKNACKnicknack n. Alternative spelling of knick-knack.
nick-nack n. Alternative spelling of knick-knack.
NICKNACK n. a small ornament, a gewgaw, also KNICKKNACK.
SKANKIERskankier adj. Comparative form of skanky: more skanky.
SKANKY adj. filthy or sleazy.
SKANKINGskanking v. Present participle of skank.
SKANKING n. the act of dancing to reggae music.
SKOKIAANskokiaan n. (South Africa) A home-brewed alcoholic liquor; moonshine.
SKOKIAAN n. (South African) a strong home-brewed alcoholic liquor fermented with yeast.
TANKLIKEtanklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a tank (military vehicle).
tanklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a tank (container).
TANKLIKE adj. like a tank.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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