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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, H, N and 2R

BRANCHERbrancher n. That which shoots forth branches; one who shows growth in various directions.
brancher n. (Falconry) A young owl or other raptor that is just too young to fly. So called because of the bird…
BRANCHER n. a young hawk or other bird when it leaves the nest and begins to take to the branches.
CHARRINGcharring v. Present participle of char.
charring n. The incomplete combustion of organic material.
CHAR v. to burn slightly, scorch.
HANGRIERHANGRY adj. irritable as a result of feeling hungry.
HANKERERhankerer n. A person who hankers.
HANKERER n. one who hankers.
HARDENERhardener n. One who, or that which, hardens.
hardener n. A chemical substance added to something in order to harden it; used especially with paints, varnishes and resins.
HARDENER n. one that hardens.
HARKENERharkener n. One who harkens; a listener.
HARKENER n. one who harkens, also HEARKENER.
HARRIDANharridan n. A vicious and scolding woman, especially an older one.
HARRIDAN n. a sharp-tongued woman.
HARRYINGharrying v. Present participle of harry.
harrying n. The act of one who harries or harasses.
HARRY v. to plunder, ravage.
HONORARYhonorary adj. Given as an honor/honour, with no duties attached, and without payment.
honorary adj. Voluntary.
honorary adj. Describes the holder of an unofficial position or title that is assigned as a special honor rather than…
HURRAINGhurraing v. Present participle of hurra.
HURRA v. to shout hurra, also HOORAH, HOORAY, HURRAH, HURRAY.
RAMSHORNramshorn n. (Fortifications) A low semicircular work situated in and commanding a ditch.
ramshorn n. An ammonite; a fossil cephalopod.
ramshorn n. A ramshorn snail.
RANCHERAranchera n. (Music) A traditional Mexican song performed solo with a guitar.
ranchera n. A female ranch or rancho owner.
ranchera n. A female ranch or rancho worker.
RANCHEROranchero n. (US, or of Mexico) a ranch or rancho worker.
ranchero n. (US, or of Mexico) A ranch or rancho owner.
RANCHERO n. (Spanish) in Mexico and the southwestern US, a rancher.
RANCHERSranchers n. Plural of rancher.
RANCHER n. one that owns or works on a ranch.
REBRANCHrebranch v. (Intransitive) To branch again.
REBRANCH v. to form secondary branches.
REHARDENreharden v. To harden again.
REHARDEN v. to harden again.
SHARNIERSHARNY adj. (Scots) like cow-dung.
UNHAIRERunhairer n. A person employed to remove the hair from animal skins.
UNHAIRER n. one who unhairs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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