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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, H, M and 2T

AMETHYSTamethyst n. A transparent purple variety of quartz, used as a gemstone.
amethyst n. (Uncountable) A purple colour.
amethyst n. (Heraldry) The tincture purpure, when emblazoning the arms of the English nobility.
BATHMATSbathmats n. Plural of bathmat.
bath␣mats n. Plural of bath mat.
BATHMAT n. a mat used in bathrooms.
HEMATITEhematite n. (Mineralogy) An iron ore, mainly peroxide of iron, Fe2O3.
HEMATITE n. an ore of iron, also HAEMATITE.
HEMOSTAThemostat n. (Medicine) An instrument that clamps blood vessels to diminish or halt blood flow.
HEMOSTAT n. an instrument for stopping bleeding, also HAEMOSTAT.
MATCHETSmatchets n. Plural of matchet.
MATCHET n. a large heavy knife, also MACHETE.
MOSTWHATmostwhat adv. (Obsolete) mostly; for the most part.
MOSTWHAT adv. (Spenser) for the most part.
OUTMATCHoutmatch v. (Transitive) to surpass or be better than something or someone else.
OUTMATCH v. to surpass.
SCHMATTEschmatte n. Alternative spelling of shmatte.
SCHMATTE n. (Yiddish) clothing, rags, also SCHMUTTER, SHMATTE.
SHMATTESshmattes n. Plural of shmatte.
SHMATTE n. (Yiddish) clothing, rags, also SCHMATTE, SCHMUTTER.
TAMWORTHTamworth prop.n. A town in Staffordshire, England.
Tamworth prop.n. A local government district with borough status in Staffordshire with its headquarters in the town.
Tamworth prop.n. A city and administrative centre of Tamworth Regional Council in northern New South Wales, Australia.
THEMATICthematic adj. Relating to, or having a theme (“subject”) or a topic.
thematic adj. (Music) Relating to a melodic subject.
thematic adj. (Linguistics) Of a word stem, ending in a vowel that appears in or otherwise influences the noun or…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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