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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, G, R and 2U

ARUGULASarugulas n. Plural of arugula.
ARUGULA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGOLA, RUCOLA, RUGOLA.
AUGURERSaugurers n. Plural of augurer.
AUGURER n. (Shakespeare) an augur.
AUGURIESauguries n. Plural of augury.
AUGURY n. the art of auguring.
AUGURINGauguring v. Present participle of augur.
AUGUR v. to foretell from signs.
AUGUSTERauguster adj. Comparative form of august: more august.
AUGUST adj. stately, venerable.
BLAGUEURblagueur n. A joker (person who makes jokes).
BLAGUEUR n. (French) one who talks pretentious nonsense, also BLAGUER.
COUGUARScouguars n. Plural of couguar.
COUGUAR n. a mountain lion, also COUGAR.
FAUBOURGfaubourg n. An outlying part of a city or town, beyond the walls; a suburb, especially of Paris.
FAUBOURG n. (French) a suburb just beyond the walls or a district recently included within a city.
FULGURALfulgural adj. Relating to, or characteristic of, thunder and lightning.
FULGURAL adj. pertaining to lightning.
GUTTURALguttural adj. Sounding harsh and throaty.
guttural adj. (Phonetics) having a place of articulation towards the back of the mouth; in modern use, uvular, pharyngeal…
guttural adj. (Medicine, anatomy) Of, relating to, or connected to the throat.
JUGULARSjugulars n. (Rare) plural of jugular.
JUGULAR n. a vein in the neck.
MUDGUARDmudguard n. A cover over the wheels of a vehicle, or a flap behind that wheel, to prevent water and mud being projected.
MUDGUARD n. a fender.
OUTARGUEoutargue v. (Transitive) To argue better than; to defeat in argument.
out-argue v. Alternative form of outargue.
out␣argue v. Misspelling of outargue.
OUTGUARDoutguard n. (Military) A guard or small body of troops at a distance from the main body of an army, to watch for…
outguard n. (By extension) Anything for defense placed at a distance from the thing to be defended.
OUTGUARD n. a guard or small body of troops at a distance from the main body of an army.
TRUQUAGETRUQUAGE n. (French) the faking of works of art, also TRUCAGE.
UNARGUEDunargued adj. Not argued; undebated.
unargued adj. Not proposed as an argument.
UNARGUED adj. not argued.
UNGUARDSunguards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unguard.
UNGUARD v. to leave unprotected.
UNVULGARunvulgar adj. Not vulgar.
UNVULGAR adj. not vulgar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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