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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, G, L, T and V

EVULGATEevulgate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To publish or divulge.
EVULGATE v. to divulge; to publish.
GALAVANTgalavant v. Alternative form of gallivant.
GALAVANT v. to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan, also GALIVANT, GALLIVANT.
GALIVANTgalivant v. Alternative form of gallivant.
GALIVANT v. to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan, also GALAVANT, GALLIVANT.
GALLIVATgallivat n. (Nautical) A small armed vessel, with sails and oars, used on the Malabar coast.
GALLIVAT n. (Portuguese) a large two-masted Malay boat.
GIGAVOLTgigavolt n. One billion (109) volts. Symbol: GV.
giga-volt n. One thousand million ( 109 ) volts. Symbol: GV.
GIGAVOLT n. a billion volts.
LEVIGATElevigate v. (Transitive) To make smooth or polish.
levigate v. (Transitive) To make into a smooth paste or fine powder.
levigate v. (Transitive) To separate finer grains from coarser ones by suspension in a liquid.
LIGATIVEligative adj. (Grammar) Serving to connect separate elements.
LIGATIVE adj. acting as a ligature.
MEGAVOLTmegavolt n. One million (106) volts, abbreviated as MV.
mega-volt n. One million ( 106 ) volts, abbreviated as MV.
MEGAVOLT n. a unit of electromotive force.
TRAVELOGtravelog n. (US) Alternative spelling of travelogue.
TRAVELOG n. a film, talk etc. on travel, also TRAVELOGUE.
VAGILITYvagility n. (Biology) The degree to which an organism or taxon can or does move or spread within an environment.
VAGILITY n. freedom of movement.
VALETINGvaleting v. Present participle of valet.
VALETING n. the act of being a valet.
VAULTAGEvaultage n. (Obsolete) A vaulted place or arched cellar.
vaultage n. (Obsolete) Vaulted work.
VAULTAGE n. a cavern, also VAUNTAGE.
VAULTINGvaulting n. The practice of constructing vaults, or a particular method of such construction.
vaulting n. A vaulted structure; such structures treated as a group.
vaulting n. The sport of gymnastics and dance routines performed on horseback, and on the longe line.
VEGELATEvegelate n. (Rare, derogatory) Chocolate containing vegetable fat (not a permitted ingredient in parts of the European Union).
VEGELATE n. a kind of chocolate made from vegetable fat and cocoa fat.
VEGETALSvegetals n. Plural of vegetal.
VEGETAL n. a plant or vegetable.
VIGILANTvigilant adj. Watchful, especially for danger or disorder; alert; wary.
VIGILANT adj. watchful.
VOLTAGESvoltages n. Plural of voltage.
VOLTAGE n. electromotive force expressed in volts.
VULGATESvulgates n. Plural of vulgate.
VULGATE n. the common speech of a people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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