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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, R and Z

AGRIZINGagrizing v. Present participle of agrize.
AGRIZE v. (obsolete) to terrify, also AGRISE, AGRYZE.
AGRYZINGAGRYZE v. (obsolete) to terrify, also AGRISE, AGRIZE.
CRAZINGScrazings n. Plural of crazing.
CRAZING n. a pattern of fine cracks.
GIZZARDSgizzards n. Plural of gizzard.
GIZZARD n. the second, or true, muscular stomach of birds, in which the food is crushed and ground.
GLAZIERSglaziers n. Plural of glazier.
Glaziers prop.n. Plural of Glazier.
GLAZIER n. one whose business is to set glass.
GLAZIERYglaziery n. (Uncountable) The craft of a glazier; making and fitting windows.
glaziery n. (Countable, rare) A place where a glazier works.
GLAZIERY n. the work of a glazier.
GRAECIZEgraecize v. Alternative form of Grecize.
Graecize v. Alternative form of Grecize.
GRAECIZE v. to provide with a Greek style, also GRECISE, GRECIZE, GRAECISE.
GRAZIERSgraziers n. Plural of grazier.
Graziers prop.n. Plural of Grazier.
GRAZIER n. one who pastures cattle, and rears them for market.
GRAZINGSgrazings n. Plural of grazing.
GRAZING n. land used for feeding animals.
GRAZIOSOgrazioso adj. (Music) graceful, flowing.
grazioso adv. (Music) gracefully, flowingly.
GRAZIOSO adv. (Italian) gracefully; smoothly; elegantly.
ORGANIZEorganize v. (Transitive) To arrange in working order.
organize v. (Transitive) To constitute in parts, each having a special function, act, office, or relation; to systematize.
organize v. (Transitive, chiefly used in the past participle) To furnish with organs; to give an organic structure…
RAZEEINGrazeeing v. Present participle of razee.
RAZEE v. to cut down by removing the upper deck, as a ship.
RAZORINGrazoring v. Present participle of razor.
RAZOR v. to shave with a sharp instrument.
RAZZINGSRAZZING n. the act of blowing a raspberry.
ZASTRUGIzastrugi n. Plural of zastruga; Alternative form of sastrugi.
ZASTRUGA n. (Russian) long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains, also SASTRUGA.
ZIGGURATziggurat n. A temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamian valley, having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively…
ziggurat n. Any building with similar style or shape.
ZIGGURAT n. a Babylonian temple tower, also ZIKKURAT, ZIKURAT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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