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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, G, H, R and Y

DRAUGHTYdraughty adj. (British spelling) Standard spelling of drafty.
DRAUGHTY adj. exposed to currents of air, also DRAFTY.
GARISHLYgarishly adv. In a garish manner.
GARISH adv. glaring.
GRAITHLYGRAITHLY adj. (dialect) decent, orderly, also GRADELY.
GRAYHEADgrayhead n. (North America) A person with gray hair; an elderly person.
GRAYHEAD n. one with grey hair, also GREYHEAD.
GRAYHENSGRAYHEN n. the female of the blackcock, also GREYHEN.
GREYHEADgreyhead n. Alternative spelling of grayhead.
GREYHEAD n. one having grey hair, also GRAYHEAD.
GYNARCHYgynarchy n. (Politics, countable) A government ruled by a woman or women.
gynarchy n. (Politics, uncountable) Government by a woman or women.
GYNARCHY n. government by women.
HAGBERRYhagberry n. Prunus padus, a species of cherry native to northern Europe and northern Asia, the bird cherry.
hagberry n. Its bittersweet astringent fruit, readily eaten by birds.
HAGBERRY n. a genus of trees related to the elm, but bearing drupes with scanty, but often edible, pulp, also HACKBERRY.
HARRYINGharrying v. Present participle of harry.
harrying n. The act of one who harries or harasses.
HARRY v. to plunder, ravage.
HYDRAGOGhydragog n. Alternative form of hydragogue.
HYDRAGOG n. a purgative causing watery discharges.
HYGROMAShygromas n. Plural of hygroma.
HYGROMA n. a watery swelling over a joint, e.g. water on the knee, also HYDROMA.
JAGGHERYjagghery n. Alternative spelling of jaggery.
JAGGHERY n. (Hindi) a coarse, dark sugar, also JAGGARY, JAGGERY, JAGRA.
LETHARGYlethargy n. A state of extreme torpor or apathy, especially with lack of emotion, energy or enthusiasm; (loosely)…
lethargy n. (Pathology) A condition characterized by extreme fatigue or drowsiness, deep unresponsiveness, or prolonged…
LETHARGY n. morbid drowsiness.
MYOGRAPHmyograph n. (Physiology) An instrument for determining and recording the intensity, velocity, etc., of a muscular contraction.
MYOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording muscular contractions.
NARGHILYnarghily n. Alternative form of narghile.
NARGHILY n. (Persian) a hookah, an Oriental tobacco pipe in which smoke is drawn through water by a long tube, also NARGHILE, NARGHILLY, NARGILE, NARGILEH, NARGILY, NARGUILEH.
PHRYGANAphrygana n. A type of low brush or scrub found around the Mediterranean especially in Greece.
PHRYGANA n. (Modern Greek) an uncultivated open scrubland of the Mediterranean region, aka garigue.
SYNGRAPHsyngraph n. (Law) A document signed by both or all of the parties to a contract or bond.
SYNGRAPH n. a contract signed all or both parties.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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