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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, G, H and 2R

AIRGRAPHairgraph n. (UK, historical) A form of airmail used to send messages to servicemen during the Second World War.
AIRGRAPH n. a letter photographically reduced for sending by air.
ARDRIGHSARDRIGH n. (Irish) a title given to the High King of Ireland, also ARDRI.
ARRAUGHTarraught adj. (Obsolete, poetic) obtained; seized.
AREACH v. (Spenser) to reach.
BEGORRAHbegorrah interj. (Ireland) Alternative spelling of begorra.
BEGORRAH interj. (Irish) an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, by God, also BEGORAH, BEGORRA.
CHARGERSchargers n. Plural of charger.
CHARGER n. a flat dish; a warhorse.
CHARRINGcharring v. Present participle of char.
charring n. The incomplete combustion of organic material.
CHAR v. to burn slightly, scorch.
CHIRAGRAchiragra n. (Medicine) Gout in the hand.
CHIRAGRA n. (Greek) gout in the hand.
CURRAGHScurraghs n. Plural of curragh.
CURRAGH n. (Irish) a long-shaped boat similar to a coracle, also CURAGH, CURRACH.
GATHERERgatherer n. A person who gathers things.
gatherer n. A person who collects rent or taxes.
gatherer n. (Textiles) An attachment to a sewing machine for making gathers in the cloth.
GHARRIESgharries n. Plural of gharrie.
gharries n. Plural of gharry.
GHARRY n. (Hindi) in India, a wheeled vehicle for hire, also GHARRI.
HAGBERRYhagberry n. Prunus padus, a species of cherry native to northern Europe and northern Asia, the bird cherry.
hagberry n. Its bittersweet astringent fruit, readily eaten by birds.
HAGBERRY n. a genus of trees related to the elm, but bearing drupes with scanty, but often edible, pulp, also HACKBERRY.
HAGRIDERHAGRIDER n. one who hagrides.
HAIRGRIPhairgrip n. A flat hairpin having two prongs that hold bobbed hair together.
hair-grip n. Alternative form of hairgrip.
hair␣grip n. Alternative form of hairgrip.
HANGRIERHANGRY adj. irritable as a result of feeling hungry.
HARRYINGharrying v. Present participle of harry.
harrying n. The act of one who harries or harasses.
HARRY v. to plunder, ravage.
HURRAINGhurraing v. Present participle of hurra.
HURRA v. to shout hurra, also HOORAH, HOORAY, HURRAH, HURRAY.
MURRAGHSMURRAGH n. a caddis fly which fishermen know that trout favour.
RECHARGErecharge v. (Transitive) To charge an electric battery after its power has been consumed.
recharge v. (Intransitive) To invigorate and revitalize one’s energy level by removing stressful agents for a period of time.
recharge v. (Transitive) To reload a gun with ammunition.
REGATHERregather v. Gather again, gather back together.
REGATHER v. to assemble once more.
TRIGRAPHtrigraph n. (Linguistics) A specific sequence of three letters, especially one used collectively to represent a single phoneme.
trigraph n. (Computing) A three-character sequence used to enter a single conceptual character.
TRIGRAPH n. a combination of three letters for one sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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