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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, G, H, I and Y

ACHINGLYachingly adv. In an aching manner; sorely.
ACHING adv. hurting, throbbing.
AGUISHLYaguishly adv. (Now rare) In an aguish manner; as though suffering from ague.
AGUISH adv. having the qualities of an ague; feverish.
ALMIGHTYalmighty adj. (Sometimes postpositive) Unlimited in might; omnipotent; all-powerful.
almighty adj. (Slang) Great; extreme; terrible.
almighty adj. (By extension) Having very great power, influence, etc.
ANYTHINGanything pron. Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; a thing of any kind; something or other.
anything pron. (With “as” or “like”) Expressing an indefinite comparison.
anything n. Someone or something of importance.
DAYCHINGDAYCH v. (dialect) to thatch.
DAYLIGHTdaylight n. The light from the Sun, as opposed to that from any other source.
daylight n. A light source that simulates daylight.
daylight n. (Countable, photometry) The intensity distribution of light over the visible spectrum generated by the…
DIAGLYPHdiaglyph n. Glyptic art consisting of a sunken or depressed engraving or carving on a stone or gem.
DIAGLYPH n. a figure cut into any substance.
GARISHLYgarishly adv. In a garish manner.
GARISH adv. glaring.
GRAITHLYGRAITHLY adj. (dialect) decent, orderly, also GRADELY.
HAPPYINGhappying v. Present participle of happy.
HAPPY v. to make content.
HARRYINGharrying v. Present participle of harry.
harrying n. The act of one who harries or harasses.
HARRY v. to plunder, ravage.
HIGHWAYShighways n. Plural of highway.
HIGHWAY n. a major road.
HYPALGIAhypalgia n. Diminished sensitivity to pain.
HYPALGIA n. diminished susceptibility to pain, also HYPALGESIA.
NARGHILYnarghily n. Alternative form of narghile.
NARGHILY n. (Persian) a hookah, an Oriental tobacco pipe in which smoke is drawn through water by a long tube, also NARGHILE, NARGHILLY, NARGILE, NARGILEH, NARGILY, NARGUILEH.
NYLGHAISnylghais n. Plural of nylghai.
NYLGHAI n. (Hindi) a large antelope, also NILGAI, NILGAU, NILGHAI, NILGHAU, NYLGHAU.
SHAGGILYshaggily adv. In a shaggy manner.
SHAGGY adv. covered with long coarse hair.
THINGAMYthingamy n. Alternative form of thingummy.
THINGAMY n. a term used for an object or person used when the correct name cannot come to mind.
YACHTINGyachting v. Present participle of yacht.
yachting n. (Often attributive) A physical activity involving boats, be it racing sailing boats, cruising to distant…
YACHTING n. the sport of sailing or cruising in a yacht.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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