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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing A, 2G and 2O

AGROLOGYagrology n. (Rare) A subdiscipline of agronomy (the science of utilizing animals, plants, and soils) and of soil…
agrology n. (Chiefly Canada) The science and art of agriculture.
AGROLOGY n. the science of soils in relation to crops.
ALGOLOGYalgology n. The branch of botany dealing with algae.
algology n. The medical treatment of pain as practiced in Greece and Turkey.
ALGOLOGY n. the study of algae.
CORAGGIOCORAGGIO interj. (Italian) an interjection, courage.
GOLGOTHAGolgotha prop.n. (Biblical) The hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified.
Golgotha prop.n. (Oxbridge slang, obsolete) The rooms of the heads of the colleges.
Golgotha n. A charnel house.
LOGOGRAMlogogram n. A character or symbol (usually nonalphanumeric) that represents a word or phrase.
logogram n. A kind of word puzzle: a logogriph.
LOGOGRAM n. a written symbol representing an entire spoken word without expressing its pronunciation, also LOGOGRAPH.
ONGAONGAongaonga n. The plant Urtica ferox, a nettle endemic to New Zealand with woody stem and large stinging spines.
ONGAONGA n. (Maori) a New Zealand nettle with a severe or fatal sting.
TOBOGGANtoboggan n. A long sled without runners, with the front end curled upwards, which may be pulled across snow by a…
toboggan n. (Canada, US) A similar sled of wood, pulled by dogs, possibly with steel runners, made to transport cargo.
toboggan n. (Figurative) Something which, once it starts going (figuratively) downhill, is unstoppable until it…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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