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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, 2G, I and W

EARWIGGYearwiggy adj. Infested with earwigs.
EARWIGGY adj. full of earwigs.
GAYWINGSgaywings n. Polygala paucifolia, a perennial flowering plant with pink and white flowers.
GAYWINGS n. a perennial herb.
GIGAWATTgigawatt n. One thousand million (109) watts, abbreviated as GW.
giga-watt n. One thousand million ( 109 ) watts, abbreviated as GW.
GIGAWATT n. a unit of power, a thousand million watts.
GNAWINGSgnawings n. Plural of gnawing.
GNAWING n. a persistent dull pain.
SWAGGIESswaggies n. Plural of swaggie.
SWAGGIE n. (Australian slang) a hobo, also SWAGMAN.
SWAGGINGswagging v. Present participle of swag.
SWAG v. to sway, sag.
TWANGINGtwanging v. Present participle of twang.
twanging adj. (Of a sound) twangy.
twanging n. A sound that twangs.
WAGERINGwagering v. Present participle of wager.
wagering n. An amount wagered.
WAGERING n. the act of making a wager.
WAGGLIERwagglier adj. Comparative form of waggly: more waggly.
WAGGLY adj. waggling.
WAGGLINGwaggling v. Present participle of waggle.
waggling n. The act of something being waggled.
WAGGLE v. to wag, move from side to side.
WAGONINGwagoning v. Present participle of wagon.
WAGON v. to transport in a four wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, also WAGGON.
WANGLINGwangling v. Present participle of wangle.
wangling n. The act of one who wangles.
WANGLING n. the act of wangling.
WAUGHINGwaughing v. Present participle of waugh.
WAUGH v. to bark, also WAFF.
WAYGOINGwaygoing adj. Alternative form of way-going.
way-going adj. Going away; departing.
way-going adj. (Law) Of or relating to one who goes away.
WEIGHAGEweighage n. A duty or toll paid for weighing merchandise.
WEIGHAGE n. the rate paid for weighing of goods.
WHANGINGwhanging v. Present participle of whang.
WHANG v. to beat with a whip.
WRANGINGWRANG v. (dialect) to wrong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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