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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, F, P, S and T

CATFLAPScatflaps n. Plural of catflap.
cat-flaps n. Plural of cat-flap.
cat␣flaps n. Plural of cat flap.
FLATCAPSflatcaps n. Plural of flatcap.
flat␣caps n. Plural of flat cap.
FLATCAP n. a low-crowned hat worn by London citizens in the 16th and 17th centuries.
FLATTOPSflattops n. Plural of flattop.
flat-tops n. Plural of flat-top.
flat␣tops n. Plural of flat top.
FLEAPITSfleapits n. Plural of fleapit.
flea␣pits n. Plural of flea pit.
FLEAPIT n. (slang) a low-class cinema.
FLYPASTSflypasts n. Plural of flypast.
FLYPAST n. a flight, at low altitude or close range, also FLYBY.
FLYTRAPSflytraps n. Plural of flytrap.
FLYTRAP n. a trap for catching flies.
FOOTPADSfootpads n. Plural of footpad.
footpads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of footpad.
foot-pads n. Plural of foot-pad.
FOREPASTforepast adj. (Obsolete) That has passed; bygone.
FOREPAST adj. (obsolete) former, bygone, also FOREPASSED.
PACIFISTpacifist n. One who loves, supports, or favours peace.
pacifist n. One who prefers to avoid violence.
pacifist n. One who opposes violence and is anti-war.
PALSTAFFpalstaff n. (Historical) An old Celtic and Scandinavian weapon consisting of a wedge of stone or metal fixed by…
PALSTAFF n. (Dutch) a peculiar bronze adz, used in prehistoric Europe about the middle of the Bronze Age, also PALSTAVE.
PARFAITSparfaits n. Plural of parfait.
Parfaits prop.n. Plural of Parfait.
PARFAIT n. (French) a dessert mousse or ice-cream pudding.
PITFALLSpitfalls n. Plural of pitfall.
PITFALL n. a hidden danger or difficulty.
POSTFACEpostface n. A piece of text, containing information normally included in a preface, placed at the back of a publication.
POSTFACE n. a brief note placed at the end of a publication.
POSTFACTpostfact adj. After the fact; after something has happened.
POSTFACT adj. of or relating to a culture in which appeals to the emotions tend to prevail over facts and logical arguments.
PRESSFATPRESSFAT n. a vat for collecting wine or oil from the press.
SPATFALLspatfall n. The arrival of spat at the beach during spawning season for shellfish…
SPATFALL n. a mass of shellfish larvae.
TIPSTAFFtipstaff n. A ceremonial staff, with a metal tip, carried by a constable or bailiff etc as a sign of office.
tipstaff n. An officer, of a court etc. who carries such a staff.
TIPSTAFF n. an attendant in a law court.
UPDRAFTSupdrafts n. Plural of updraft.
UPDRAFT n. an upwards movement of air, also UPDRAUGHT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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