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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, F, P and 2R

AIRPROOFairproof adj. Airtight.
airproof v. (Transitive) To make airtight.
air-proof adj. Airtight.
FIRETRAPfiretrap n. (Informal) A building with limited emergency exits in which people would be trapped in the event of a fire.
FIRETRAP n. a building likely to catch fire.
FOREPARTforepart n. The front or anterior part of something.
FOREPART n. the front part.
FRAMPLERFRAMPLER n. (Scott) a brawler.
PARAFORMparaform n. Synonym of paraformaldehyde.
PARAFORM n. a substance used as an antiseptic.
PREDRAFTpredraft adj. Occurring before or in preparation for a draft, especially in sports.
PREDRAFT n. a preliminary draft prior to a main or official draft.
PREFACERprefacer n. The writer of a preface.
PREFACER n. one that prefaces.
PREFRANKPREFRANK v. to frank beforehand.
PROFANERprofaner n. One who profanes; a person who desecrates or defiles.
profaner adj. Comparative form of profane: more profane.
PROFANER n. one who profanes.
PROFORMAproforma adj. Alternative spelling of pro forma.
proforma n. Alternative spelling of pro forma.
pro␣forma adj. Occurring, undertaken, or performed as a perfunctory matter, in the interest of form, or for the sake of formality.
RATPROOFratproof adj. Resistant to damage caused by rats.
RATPROOF adj. impervious to rats.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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