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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, F, M, T and U

FACTOTUMfactotum n. (Dated) A person having many diverse activities or responsibilities.
factotum n. (Dated) A general servant.
factotum n. An individual employed to do all sorts of duties.
FLAMEOUTflameout n. The act of flaming out or burning out; extinguishing.
flameout n. (Figurative) The act of quitting or failing, especially due to overwork or in a dramatic manner.
flameout n. The sudden extinguishing of the flame of a burner (due to obstruction of fuel or airflow).
FOULMARTfoulmart n. Alternative form of foumart.
FOULMART n. a polecat, also FOUMART.
FOUMARTSfoumarts n. Plural of foumart.
FOUMART n. a polecat, also FOULMART.
FUMARATEfumarate n. Any salt or ester of fumaric acid; they are produced in the body as part of the urea cycle.
FUMARATE n. a salt of fumaric acid.
FUMATORYfumatory adj. Of or relating to smoke, smoking, or fumigation.
fumatory n. A place for subjecting things to smoke or vapour.
FUMATORY n. a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORIUM.
FUMIGANTfumigant n. Any substance used, in the gaseous state, to fumigate or disinfect.
FUMIGANT n. a source of fumes, esp. a substance used for fumigation.
FUMIGATEfumigate v. (Transitive) To disinfect, purify, or rid of vermin with the fumes of certain chemicals.
FUMIGATE v. to subject to fumes to kill pests.
MUDFLATSmudflats n. Plural of mudflat.
mudflats n. (New Zealand) Synonym of bottomland: lowland plains and/or farms.
mud␣flats n. Plural of mud flat.
SFUMATOSsfumatos n. Plural of sfumato.
SFUMATO n. (Italian) a painting having vague outlines, and colors and shades so mingled as to give a misty appearance.
STUDFARMstudfarm n. Alternative form of stud farm.
stud␣farm n. An establishment for selective breeding of livestock, especially horses.
STUDFARM n. a horse-breeding farm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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