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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, F, K, O and S

BAKEOFFSbakeoffs n. Plural of bakeoff.
bake-offs n. Plural of bake-off.
BAKEOFF n. a baking contest in which competitors gather to prepare their specialties for judging.
FATSTOCKfatstock n. Fattened livestock.
FATSTOCK n. livestock that is fat and ready for market.
FLOKATISflokatis n. Plural of flokati.
FLOKATI n. (Modern Greek) a handwoven Greek rug.
FOLKWAYSfolkways n. Plural of folkway.
folk-ways n. Plural of folk-way.
folk␣ways n. Plural of folk way.
FORSAKENforsaken adj. Deserted; abandoned.
forsaken adj. Helpless.
forsaken v. Past participle of forsake.
FORSAKERforsaker n. One who forsakes.
FORSAKER n. one who forsakes.
FORSAKESforsakes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forsake.
FORSAKE v. to quit or leave entirely.
FORSLACKforslack v. (Intransitive, rare) To slack up; be or grow slack; pall.
forslack v. (Transitive, obsolete) To be slack in; neglect by idleness; relax; render slack; delay; lose or spoil by slackness.
FORSLACK v. to be slack, also FORESLACK.
FORSPEAKforspeak v. (Transitive, dialectal, Northern England and Scotland) To injure or cause bad luck through immoderate…
forspeak v. (Transitive, obsolete) To bewitch, to charm.
forspeak v. (Transitive, obsolete) To forbid, to prohibit; to oppose.
FOXSHARKfox␣shark n. A thresher shark (Alopias spp.).
FOXSHARK n. a large long-tailed shark, aka thresher.
HAYFORKShayforks n. Plural of hayfork.
HAYFORK n. a tool for pitching hay.
KOFTGARSkoftgars n. Plural of koftgar.
KOFTGAR n. (Urdu) a craftsman in koftgari, who inlays steel with gold.
LOCKFASTlockfast adj. (Scotland) Fastened or secured with a lock.
LOCKFAST adj. secured by locks.
OFFTAKESofftakes n. Plural of offtake.
OFFTAKE n. a pipe or channel for removing fluid.
PAKFONGSPAKFONG n. (Chinese) a Chinese alloy of nickel, zinc, and copper, also PACKFONG, PAKTHONG, PAKTONG.
RAKEOFFSrakeoffs n. Plural of rakeoff.
rake-offs n. Plural of rake-off.
RAKEOFF n. a share of the profits.
SEAFOLKSSEAFOLK n. seafaring people.
SOFTBACKsoftback n. A softcover or paperback book.
SOFTBACK n. a book bound in a flexible paper cover.
TAKEOFFStakeoffs n. Plural of takeoff.
take-offs n. Plural of take-off.
take␣offs n. Plural of take off.
WORKSAFEwork-safe adj. (Internet) That can be viewed from one’s workplace without the risk of disciplinary action; not graphic…
WORKSAFE adj. (of an internet link etc.) suitable for viewing in the workplace because of an absence of pornographic content.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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