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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, F, H, N and R

CHAFFRONchaffron n. Alternative form of chamfron.
CHAFFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAMFRAIN, CHAMFRON, CHANFRON.
CHAMFRONchamfron n. Protective armor for a horse’s head, especially the face and ears.
CHAMFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAFFRON, CHAMFRAIN, CHANFRON.
CHANFRONchanfron n. Alternative form of chamfron (protective armor for a horse’s head, especially the face and ears).
CHANFRON n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAFFRON, CHAMFRAIN, CHAMFRON.
FARINHASfarinhas n. Plural of farinha.
FARINHA n. (Latin) a fine flour or meal made from cereal grains, also FARINA.
FARMHANDfarmhand n. A person who works on a farm.
farmhand n. (Baseball) A player in the minor leagues.
farm␣hand n. Alternative form of farmhand.
FARTHINGfarthing n. (Historical) Former British unit of currency worth one-quarter of an old penny; or a coin representing this.
farthing n. (Figurative) A very small quantity or value; the least possible amount.
farthing n. (Obsolete) A division of land.
FERNSHAWfernshaw n. A thicket of ferns.
FERNSHAW n. a thicket of ferns.
FOREHANDforehand n. (Racket sports) A stroke in which the palm of the hand faces the direction of the stroke.
forehand n. (Disc sports) A throw similar to a sidearm throw in baseball, where the disc remains on the throwing-arm…
forehand n. All of the part of a horse which is before the rider.
FRAUGHANfraughan n. (Ireland) The bilberry or whortleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus).
FRAUGHAN n. (Irish) the whortleberry.
FREEHANDfreehand adj. Drawn using the hand without any helping device.
freehand v. To conduct a procedure involving use of the hands without any helping device or guide.
free-hand adj. Alternative form of freehand.
FRESHMANfreshman n. (US, Canada, Philippines) A person (of either sex) entering the first year of an institution, especially…
freshman n. (Obsolete) A novice; one in the rudiments of knowledge.
FRESHMAN n. a first-year student.
HANGFIREhangfire n. Alternative form of hang fire.
hang␣fire v. (Of a firearm) To fail to fire immediately when the trigger is pulled.
hang␣fire v. (Figuratively) To wait or hold back.
WHARFINGwharfing n. Wharfs collectively.
wharfing n. The material for constructing a wharf.
wharfing n. (Engineering) A technique of facing seawalls and embankments with planks driven as piles and secured by ties.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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