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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, F, G, I and O

FAGOTINGfagoting n. A decoration of a fabric achieved by removing threads and tying others into bunches.
fagoting n. The joining of hemmed edges of fabric with crisscrossed threads.
fagoting v. Present participle of fagot.
FAIRGOERfairgoer n. A person who is attending a fair.
fair-goer n. Alternative form of fairgoer.
FAIRGOER n. one who attends a fair.
FAVORINGfavoring v. Present participle of favor.
FAVOR v. to regard with goodwill, also FAVOUR.
FLAMINGOflamingo n. A wading bird of the family Phoenicopteridae.
flamingo n. A deep pink color tinged with orange, like that of a flamingo.
flamingo adj. Of a deep pink color tinged with orange, like that of a flamingo.
FLOATINGfloating adj. That floats or float.
floating adj. Not fixed in position, opinion etc.; free to move or drift.
floating adj. (Linguistics, of a tone) that is not attached to any consonant or vowel within its morpheme.
FOALINGSfoalings n. Plural of foaling.
FOALING n. the act of giving birth to a foal.
FOAMINGSfoamings n. Plural of foaming.
FOAMING n. the act of foaming.
FOLIAGEDfoliaged adj. Having foliage, or in compounds, a defined type of foliage.
FOLIAGED adj. having foliage.
FOLIAGESfoliages n. Plural of foliage.
FOLIAGE n. the growth of leaves on a plant.
FORAGINGforaging v. Present participle of forage.
foraging n. The act of searching for food.
FORAGE v. to search about.
FORAYINGforaying v. Present participle of foray.
FORAY v. to make a raid.
GAIRFOWLgairfowl n. Alternative form of garefowl.
GAIRFOWL n. (Old Norse) the great auk, also GAREFOWL.
GASIFORMgasiform adj. Having the form of a gas; gaseous.
GASIFORM adj. having the form of gas.
GIGAFLOPgigaflop n. (Computing) A unit of measure for the calculating speed of a computer equal to one billion (109) floating…
GIGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed (a billion floating point operations per second).
GOATFISHgoatfish n. Any of many brightly coloured fishes, of the family Mullidae, having two barbels on the chin.
GOATFISH n. a tropical fish inhabiting the Gulf of Mexico, allied to the surmullet.
GOLFIANAgolfiana n. Things related to golf.
GOLFIANA n. golfing items.
GRAFFITOgraffito n. (Archaeology and related fields) An informal inscription, as by a worker or vandal.
graffito n. (Rare) A single instance of graffiti in the art/vandalism sense.
GRAFFITO n. (Italian) a scribble on a wall.
ISOGRAFTisograft n. A surgical transplant of tissue between genetically identical individuals (i.e. monozygotic twins).
isograft v. To perform a transplant of this kind.
ISOGRAFT v. to transplant from one to another of the same species.
KOFTGARIkoftgari n. Ornamental work produced by inlaying steel with gold; a variety of damascening common in Indian art.
KOFTGARI n. (Urdu) the craft of inlaying steel with gold.
LOAFINGSloafings n. Plural of loafing.
LOAFING n. the act of idling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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