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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, F, G, H and T

AFFRIGHTaffright n. (Archaic) Great fear, terror, fright.
affright v. (Archaic, transitive) To inspire fright in; to frighten, to terrify.
affright adj. Afraid; terrified; frightened.
CATFIGHTcatfight n. A fight between cats.
catfight n. (Slang) A fight or bickering between women.
cat␣fight n. Alternative form of catfight.
FAITHINGfaithing n. Worship, practising faith.
FAITHING n. the act of believing.
FANLIGHTfanlight n. A semicircular or semioval window over a door or other window, normally having a fan-like structure…
fanlight n. An electric fan, usually a ceiling fan, that is also a light fixture.
FANLIGHT n. a half-circle window with crossbars arranged like ribs of fan.
FARTHINGfarthing n. (Historical) Former British unit of currency worth one-quarter of an old penny; or a coin representing this.
farthing n. (Figurative) A very small quantity or value; the least possible amount.
farthing n. (Obsolete) A division of land.
FLAUGHTSFLAUGHT v. (Scots) to cut, pare.
FRAUGHTSfraughts n. Plural of fraught.
fraughts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fraught.
FRAUGHT v. to load with tension.
FUGHETTAfughetta n. (Music) A short, condensed version of a fugue.
FUGHETTA n. (Italian) a short fugue.
GHASTFULghastful adj. (Archaic) Causing fear; terrifying; dreadful; fit to make one aghast; exceedingly dismal.
ghastful adj. (Archaic) Terrified, frightened.
GHASTFUL adj. (Spenser) terrifying; full of fear, also GASTFULL.
GOATFISHgoatfish n. Any of many brightly coloured fishes, of the family Mullidae, having two barbels on the chin.
GOATFISH n. a tropical fish inhabiting the Gulf of Mexico, allied to the surmullet.
SHAFTINGshafting v. Present participle of shaft.
shafting n. Shafts collectively.
shafting n. (Engineering) A system of connected shafts for communicating motion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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