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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, F, G, H and N

AFGHANISafghanis n. Plural of afghani.
Afghanis n. Plural of Afghani.
AFGHANI n. a monetary unit of Afghanistan.
CHAFFINGchaffing v. Present participle of chaff.
chaffing n. The act by which somebody is chaffed; a teasing.
CHAFFING n. the act of teasing.
CHAUFINGCHAUFE v. (Spenser) to chafe.
FAITHINGfaithing n. Worship, practising faith.
FAITHING n. the act of believing.
FANLIGHTfanlight n. A semicircular or semioval window over a door or other window, normally having a fan-like structure…
fanlight n. An electric fan, usually a ceiling fan, that is also a light fixture.
FANLIGHT n. a half-circle window with crossbars arranged like ribs of fan.
FARTHINGfarthing n. (Historical) Former British unit of currency worth one-quarter of an old penny; or a coin representing this.
farthing n. (Figurative) A very small quantity or value; the least possible amount.
farthing n. (Obsolete) A division of land.
FLASHGUNflashgun n. (Photography) An electrically powered device used to trigger a flashbulb.
flashgun n. (Photography) Any similar unit used to generate repeatable flashes of light for photography.
flash␣gun n. Alternative form of flashgun.
FLASHINGflashing n. A sudden blazing or bursting, as of fire or water.
flashing n. (Roofing) Components used to weatherproof or seal roof system edges at perimeters, penetrations, walls…
flashing n. The process of getting rid of gaps on shelves by bringing products from the back of the shelf to the…
FRAUGHANfraughan n. (Ireland) The bilberry or whortleberry (Vaccinium myrtillus).
FRAUGHAN n. (Irish) the whortleberry.
HALFLINGhalfling n. (Fantasy) A fictional small humanoid creature featuring in fantasy fiction; a hobbit.
halfling n. (Fantasy) A fictional humanoid born of a human parent and a parent of another race in fantasy fiction.
halfling n. A half-grown person, between a child and an adult.
HANGFIREhangfire n. Alternative form of hang fire.
hang␣fire v. (Of a firearm) To fail to fire immediately when the trigger is pulled.
hang␣fire v. (Figuratively) To wait or hold back.
SHAFTINGshafting v. Present participle of shaft.
shafting n. Shafts collectively.
shafting n. (Engineering) A system of connected shafts for communicating motion.
SHEAFINGsheafing v. Present participle of sheaf.
SHEAF v. to gather into a bundle, also SHEAVE.
WHARFINGwharfing n. Wharfs collectively.
wharfing n. The material for constructing a wharf.
wharfing n. (Engineering) A technique of facing seawalls and embankments with planks driven as piles and secured by ties.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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