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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, 2F, L and R

BAFFLERSbafflers n. Plural of baffler.
BAFFLER n. a person who or thing which baffles.
FARFALLEfarfalle n. Pasta in the shape of butterflies or bow ties.
FARFALLE n. (Italian) pasta in the shape of bow ties or butterflies.
FLAFFERSFLAFFER v. (Scots) to flutter, also FLACKER.
FLATFORMflatform n. A type of shoe with a flat platform sole.
FLATFORM n. a thick, level sole on a shoe.
FRAUDFULfraudful adj. Full of fraud, deceit, or treachery; fraudulent.
FRAUDFUL adj. deceptive.
FREAKFULfreakful adj. (Archaic) Full of whims or caprices.
FREAKFUL adj. quirkily unusual, also FREAKISH, FREAKY.
FREEFALLfreefall n. (Physics) The state of being in a motion affected by no acceleration (force) other than that provided by gravity.
freefall n. (Common usage) The state of falling with no interference from outside forces other than the air resistance…
freefall n. (By extension) The state of worsening out of control.
FURFURALfurfural n. (Organic chemistry) A heterocyclic aldehyde derivative of furan, obtained commercially from bran, with…
FURFURAL n. a liquid obtained by heating bran with dilute sulphuric acid, also FURAL, FURFURALDEHYDE, FURFUROL, FURFUROLE, FUROL, FUROLE.
PARAFFLEparaffle n. An ostentatious display.
PARAFFLE n. (Scots) a pretentious display, a fuss, also PARAFLE.
RAFFLERSrafflers n. Plural of raffler.
RAFFLER n. one who raffles.
RAFFLINGraffling v. Present participle of raffle.
RAFFLE v. to dispose of by tickets of chance.
RIFFOLASRIFFOLA n. (colloquial) the use of an abundance of dominant riffs.
SCLAFFERsclaffer n. (Golf) One who sclaffs.
SCLAFFER n. one who sclaffs, slaps.
TAFFARELTAFFAREL n. (Dutch) a rail around the stern of a ship, also TAFFRAIL, TAFFEREL.
TAFFERELtafferel n. A carved panel.
tafferel n. (Nautical) The flat upper part of a ship’s stern above the transom, often decorated with carvings.
tafferel n. (Nautical) The taffrail.
TAFFRAILtaffrail n. (Nautical) The curved wooden top of the stern of a sailing man-of-war or East Indiaman, usually carved or decorated.
taffrail n. (Nautical) The rail around the stern of a ship.
taffrail n. (Nautical) The deck area at the stern of a vessel.
WAFFLERSwafflers n. Plural of waffler.
WAFFLER n. one who waffles.
WAFFLIERwafflier adj. Comparative form of waffly: more waffly.
WAFFLY adj. given to waffling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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