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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, M and W

GAMEFOWLgamefowl n. A gamebird.
GAMEFOWL n. a gamecock.
GAMESHOWgameshow n. Alternative spelling of game show.
game␣show n. (Games, broadcasting) A radio or television program that involves members of the public or celebrities…
GAMESHOW n. a television show involving game play.
GAPEWORMgapeworm n. A parasitic nematode worm, Syngamus trachea, that infects the tracheas of some birds and causes the disease gapes.
GAPEWORM n. a worm that causes a disease of young birds.
GAWMOGESGAWMOGE n. a clownish person.
MEGAWATTmegawatt n. One million (1 000 000) watts, abbreviated as MW.
mega-watt n. One million (106) watts, abbreviated as MW.
MEGAWATT n. a unit of power, a million watts.
SWAGSMENswagsmen n. Plural of swagsman.
SWAGSMAN n. a man who seeks work while travelling about carrying his swag, also SWAGGIE, SWAGMAN.
WAGMOIREWAGMOIRE n. (Spenser) a quagmire.
WARGAMEDwargamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of wargame.
war␣gamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of war game.
WARGAME v. to engage in simulated military conflicts.
WARGAMERwargamer n. A player of war games.
WARGAMER n. one who practises wargaming.
WARGAMESwargames n. Plural of wargame.
war␣games n. Plural of war game.
WARGAME v. to engage in simulated military conflicts.
WEIGHMANweighman n. A person whose occupation is weighing goods.
WEIGHMAN n. one who weighs goods.
WIGMAKERwigmaker n. A person who makes wigs.
WIGMAKER n. one who makes wigs.
WORDGAMEwordgame n. Alternative form of word game.
word␣game n. A game which involves manipulating words.
WORDGAME n. a game in which words are used.
WORMGEARwormgear n. Alternative form of worm gear.
worm␣gear n. The gear in a worm drive.
WORMGEAR n. a gear wheel driven by a worm (a rotating shaft with threads).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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