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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, L and X

EXALTINGexalting v. Present participle of exalt.
exalting adj. Of something that uplifts, that exalts.
EXALT v. to place in a high position.
EXERGUALexergual adj. Relating to the exergue.
EXERGUAL adj. relating to the exergue, the space on a coin, token or medal usually on the reverse below the date.
EXHALINGexhaling v. Present participle of exhale.
exhaling n. Exhalation.
EXHALE v. to breathe out.
FLEXAGONflexagon n. (Geometry) A flat model made from folded strips of paper that can be folded, or flexed, to reveal a…
FLEXAGON n. a folded paper construction.
FLUXGATEfluxgate n. (Physics) Any of several devices that use soft iron cores surrounded by coils of wire that generate…
FLUXGATE n. a device for measuring a magnetic field.
GALAXIESgalaxies n. Plural of galaxy.
GALAXY n. a large system of celestial bodies.
HEXAGLOThexaglot adj. (Rare) In six languages.
HEXAGLOT n. a book written in six languages.
LEXIGRAMlexigram n. (Psychology) A symbol that represents a word but is not necessarily indicative of the object referenced…
LEXIGRAM n. a sign which represents a word.
MALAXAGEmalaxage n. The process of malaxating.
MALAXAGE n. the softening of clay by kneading it.
MEGAPLEXmegaplex n. A large, multi-screen cinema.
MEGAPLEX n. a large building having many movie theaters.
RELAXINGrelaxing adj. Conducive to relaxation; helping one to relax.
relaxing v. Present participle of relax.
relaxing n. The process by which something is relaxed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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