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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, E, 2F and U

AFFLUENTaffluent n. Somebody who is wealthy.
affluent n. A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; a tributary stream; a tributary.
affluent adj. Abundant; copious; plenteous.
AFFLUXESaffluxes n. Plural of afflux.
AFFLUX n. a flowing towards or together, also AFFLUXION.
BEAUFFETbeauffet n. Obsolete form of buffet (“counter or sideboard”).
BEAUFFET n. (obsolete) a sideboard, also BEAUFET.
BUFFABLEbuffable adj. Capable of being buffed.
BUFFABLE adj. able to be buffed.
CHAUFFEDchauffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chauf.
chauffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chauff.
CHAUFF v. (Spenser) to chafe, also CHAUFE.
CHAUFFERchauffer n. A small, portable stove.
chauffer n. A chafing dish.
chauffer n. (Chemistry) A table stove or small furnace, usually a cylindrical box of sheet iron, with a grate at…
CUFFABLECUFFABLE adj. of a sock, intended to be folded down at the ankle.
EARMUFFSearmuffs n. A headphone-like device designed to cover a person’s ears for protection against cold or noise. They…
EARMUFF n. one of a pair of ear coverings, joined by a band across the head, worn to protect the ears from cold or noise.
EFFLUVIAeffluvia n. Plural of effluvium.
EFFLUVIUM n. (Latin) disagreeable vapours.
FEASTFULfeastful adj. Festive; joyful; sumptuous; luxurious.
feastful n. Enough for a feast.
feastful n. A wide selection.
FREAKFULfreakful adj. (Archaic) Full of whims or caprices.
FREAKFUL adj. quirkily unusual, also FREAKISH, FREAKY.
FUCKFACEfuckface n. (Vulgar, derogatory) An ugly or otherwise undesirable or annoying person.
fuck-face n. Alternative spelling of fuckface.
fuck␣face n. (Vulgar, slang) A person’s facial expression during orgasm.
FULLFACEfull-face adj. Alternative form of full-faced.
FULLFACE n. a portrait or photograph where the subject faces straight towards the viewer.
GAUFFERSgauffers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gauffer.
GAUFFER v. to press ridges or pleats into, also GOFFER.
GUFFAWEDguffawed v. Simple past tense and past participle of guffaw.
GUFFAW v. to laugh loudly.
KAFUFFLEkafuffle n. Alternative spelling of kerfuffle.
KAFUFFLE n. a commotion, also CUFFUFFLE.
QUAFFERSquaffers n. Plural of quaffer.
QUAFFER n. one who quaffs, or drinks largely.
SUFFLATEsufflate v. (Transitive, archaic) inflate; blow up.
SUFFLATE v. (archaic) to inflate.
SUFFRAGEsuffrage n. (Uncountable) The right or chance to vote, express an opinion, or participate in a decision, especially…
suffrage n. (Countable) A vote in deciding a particular question.
suffrage n. (Countable, Christianity) A prayer, for example a prayer offered for the faithful dead.
TARTUFFEtartuffe n. A religious hypocrite.
TARTUFFE n. (French) a hypocrite, esp. one who affects religious piety, also TARTUFE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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