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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, D, N, W and Y

BENDWAYSbendways adv. Bendwise.
BENDWAYS adv. diagonally, also BENDWISE.
DOWNPLAYdownplay v. (Transitive) To de-emphasize; to present or portray as less important or consequential.
DOWNPLAY v. to understate, underemphasise.
DRANGWAYDRANGWAY n. (English dialect) a narrow passageway.
GWYNIADSgwyniads n. Plural of gwyniad.
GWYNIAD n. (Welsh) a fish of North Wales and northern Europe, aka powan, allied to the lake whitefish, also GWINIAD.
INWARDLYinwardly adv. In an inward manner; to or toward the inside or to oneself.
inwardly adv. (Obsolete) Completely, fully.
INWARD adv. placed within, also INWARDS.
NAYWARDSNAYWARD n. (Shakespeare) the negative side.
NAYWORDSnaywords n. Plural of nayword.
NAYWORD n. a proverbial reproach.
NOWADAYSnowadays adv. At the present time; in the current era.
now-adays adv. Archaic spelling of nowadays.
now-a-days adj. Of the present day, contemporary.
ONWARDLYonwardly adv. Onward.
ONWARDLY adv. going on.
PANDOWDYpandowdy n. (US) A pudding of spiced, sliced apples (or other fruit), sugar and butter, baked with a crumble topping…
PANDOWDY n. a deep pie or pudding made of baked apples, or of sliced bread and apples baked together, with no bottom crust.
PAYDOWNSpaydowns n. Plural of paydown.
PAYDOWN n. the reduction of debt through repayment.
PLAYDOWNplaydown n. (Sports) Any match that is part of a playoff.
play␣down v. (Idiomatic, transitive) To make or attempt to make something seem less important, likely, or obvious.
PLAYDOWN n. a playoff.
UNDERWAYunderway adv. In motion, in progress; being done or carried out; on a journey.
underway n. A road, track, path, or street for going under another way or obstacle; an underpass.
underway n. An underground passage, subway, tunnel.
UNSWAYEDunswayed adj. Without being swayed, unconvinced, not having changed opinion.
UNSWAYED adj. not swayed.
WADDYINGwaddying v. Present participle of waddy.
WADDY v. (Native Australian) to strike with a kind of war-club used by Australian aborigines.
WANWORDYWANWORDY adj. (Scots) worthless, unworthy.
WARDENRYwardenry n. The office or jurisdiction of a warden; wardenship.
WARDENRY n. the office of a warden.
WHINYARDwhinyard n. (Obsolete) A sword, or hanger.
whinyard n. (UK, dialect, obsolete) The shoveler, a type of duck.
whinyard n. (UK, dialect, obsolete) The pochard, a type of duck.
WINDWAYSwindways n. Plural of windway.
WINDWAY n. a passage for air.
YARDWANDyardwand n. (Archaic) A yardstick.
YARDWAND n. a stick three feet long; any standard of measurement, also YARDSTICK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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