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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, D, I, K and T

ANTICKEDanticked v. Simple past tense and past participle of antic.
ANTIC v. to act in a clownish manner.
ANTISKIDantiskid adj. (Of a surface) Designed to increase friction, and thereby reduce the possibility of skid.
antiskid adj. (Of a brake system) Designed to maintain traction on a slippery surface.
antiskid n. (Aviation) Antiskid braking.
DAKOITISdakoitis n. Plural of dakoiti.
DAKOITI n. (Hindi) robbery by dacoits, also DACOITAGE, DACOITY, DAKOITY.
DUCKTAILducktail n. A hairstyle in which the hair is swept back into an upturned point at the back.
DUCKTAIL n. (US) a style of haircut.
HANDKNIThandknit n. Any item knitted by hand.
handknit v. To knit by hand.
HANDKNIT n. a garment knitted by hand.
INKSTANDinkstand n. A small tray containing pens and an inkwell; (by extension) a pot for holding ink, inkpot, inkwell.
INKSTAND n. an inkwell.
KATHODICkathodic adj. Dated form of cathodic.
KATHODIC adj. relating to a kathode, the positive terminal of a battery, also CATHODAL, CATHODIC, CATHODICAL, KATHODAL.
KATYDIDSkatydids n. Plural of katydid.
KATYDID n. a kind of grasshopper.
KERATOIDkeratoid adj. Of a cusp, having its two branches curving in opposite directions.
keratoid adj. (Biology) Resembling horn; horny.
KERATOID adj. resembling horn or keratin, also CERATOID.
SKAITHEDSKAITH v. (Old Norse) (obsolete) to injure, also SCAITH, SCATH, SCATHE.
STINKARDstinkard n. (Obsolete) Any of various malodorous animals.
stinkard n. The teledu.
stinkard n. (Figuratively, rare, archaic) A person whose behavior is hurtful and unsavory; a stinker.
STRAIKEDSTRAIK v. to stroke, also STRAKE.
TAILSKIDtailskid n. (Aviation) A piece of metal or wood used, like a tailwheel, to support the tail of an aircraft on the ground.
TAILSKID n. a support on which the tail of a plane rests.
TIDEMARKtidemark n. A line (of seaweed or differently coloured sand etc) on the shore showing the level of high or low tide.
tidemark n. (By extension) any mark showing the limit of some past activity.
tidemark n. (Humorous) a line of scum left on a bath tub when the water is drained away.
TOADLIKEtoadlike adj. Similar to, or resembling, a toad.
toad-like adj. Alternative form of toadlike.
TOADLIKE adj. like a toad.
TSADDIKStsaddiks n. Plural of tsaddik.
TSADDIK n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety, also TSADDIQ, TSADIK, TZADDIK, TZADDIQ, TZADIK, ZADDICK, ZADDIK.
TZADDIKStzaddiks n. Plural of tzaddik.
TZADDIK n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety, also TSADDIK, TSADDIQ, TSADIK, TZADDIQ, TZADIK, ZADDICK, ZADDIK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 48 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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