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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, D, H, P and T

DASHPOTSdashpots n. Plural of dashpot.
DASHPOT n. a shock absorber.
DEATHCUPDEATHCUP n. a poisonous fungus.
DESPATCHdespatch n. Alternative form of dispatch.
despatch v. Alternative form of dispatch.
DESPATCH v. to deal with speedily.
DISPATCHdispatch v. (Transitive) To send (a shipment) with promptness.
dispatch v. (Transitive) To send (a person) away hastily.
dispatch v. (Transitive) To send (an important official message) promptly, by means of a diplomat or military officer.
DISPATHYdispathy n. Alternative form of dyspathy.
DISPATHY n. dislike, also DYSPATHY.
DUSTHEAPdustheap n. A pile of rubbish.
DUSTHEAP n. a pile of trash.
DYSPATHYdyspathy n. Antipathy, aversion.
DYSPATHY n. dislike, also DISPATHY.
HARDTOPShardtops n. Plural of hardtop.
HARDTOP n. a rigid roof on a motor car.
HOPTOADSHOPTOAD n. a kind of toad.
PHONATEDphonated v. Simple past tense and past participle of phonate.
PHONATE v. to produce speech sounds.
PITHEADSpitheads n. Plural of pithead.
PITHEAD n. the top of a pit or shaft in a coalmine; the area immediately surrounding this.
POTASHEDpotashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of potash.
POTASH v. to treat with potash.
POTHEADSpotheads n. Plural of pothead.
POTHEAD n. one who smokes marijuana.
POTSHARDpotshard n. Alternative form of potsherd.
POTSHARD n. a fragment of broken pottery, also POTSHERD, POTSHARE.
PREDEATHpredeath adj. Prior to death.
PREDEATH n. the period preceding a person's death.
SIDEPATHsidepath n. A path for bicyclists located alongside a roadway.
SIDEPATH n. a byway or sidewalk.
THREAPEDthreaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of threap.
THREAP v. (Scots) to dispute, also THREEP.
TOUCHPADtouchpad n. (Computing) A flat surface which is sensitive to touch, used mostly in laptop computers to control an…
touch␣pad n. Alternative form of touchpad.
TOUCHPAD n. a keypad sensitized to finger movement or pressure.
UNPATHEDunpathed adj. Not having a path.
UNPATHED adj. not pathed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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