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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, D, H, L and M

DALMAHOYDalmahoy prop.n. A surname.
Dalmahoy n. (Historical) A kind of bushy bob wig, worn by tradesmen etc. in the 18th century.
DALMAHOY n. (historical) a bushy bobwig worn in the 18th century.
HALIDOMEHALIDOME n. (archaic) holiness, a holy place, esp. in an oath, also HALIDOM, HOLLIDAM, HOLYDAM, HOLYDAME.
HALIDOMShalidoms n. Plural of halidom.
HALIDOM n. (archaic) holiness, a holy place, esp. in an oath, also HALIDOME, HOLLIDAM, HOLYDAM, HOLYDAME.
HANDLOOMhandloom n. A simple machine used for weaving by hand.
HANDLOOM n. a manually operated loom.
HEADLAMPheadlamp n. An individual headlight, particularly of a motor vehicle.
headlamp n. A flashlight worn on the head.
HEADLAMP n. a light on the front of a car.
HOLLIDAMHOLLIDAM n. (Shakespeare) holiness, a holy place, esp. in an oath, also HALIDOM, HALIDOME, HOLYDAM, HOLYDAME.
HOLYDAMEHOLYDAME n. (Shakespeare) holiness, a holy place, esp. in an oath, also HALIDOM, HALIDOME, HOLLIDAM, HOLYDAM.
HOLYDAMSHOLYDAM n. (Shakespeare) holiness, a holy place, esp. in an oath, also HALIDOM, HALIDOME, HOLLIDAM, HOLYDAME.
HOMALOIDhomaloid n. (Geometry) An element of a homaloidal system, in particular the image of a hyperplane under a Cremona transformation.
HOMALOID n. a Euclidean space, analogous to a plane.
HOMELANDhomeland n. The country that one regards as home.
homeland n. One’s country of residence.
homeland n. One’s country of birth.
LYMPHADSlymphads n. Plural of lymphad.
LYMPHAD n. (Gaelic) a Highland galley.
MILLHANDmillhand n. A worker in a mill.
MILLHAND n. a worker in a mill.
MULLAHEDmullahed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mullah.
MULLAH v. to inflict a severe defeat upon, also MULLER.
SHAMBLEDshambled v. Simple past tense and past participle of shamble.
SHAMBLE v. to walk awkwardly.
THRALDOMthraldom n. Alternative spelling of thralldom.
THRALDOM n. servitude, also THRALLDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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