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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, D, G, H and T

AGGADOTHAggadoth n. Plural of Aggadah.
AGGADAH n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also HAGGADAH, AGGADA.
ALIGHTEDalighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of alight.
ALIGHT v. to dismount.
DAUGHTERdaughter n. One’s female offspring.
daughter n. A female descendant.
daughter n. A daughter language.
DAYLIGHTdaylight n. The light from the Sun, as opposed to that from any other source.
daylight n. A light source that simulates daylight.
daylight n. (Countable, photometry) The intensity distribution of light over the visible spectrum generated by the…
DOGWATCHdogwatch n. (Nautical) Aboard a ship, either of the two short two-hour watches that take place between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.
dogwatch n. (By extension) A night shift, or other very late or early period of duty.
dogwatch n. (Nautical) A very brief period of naval service.
DRAUGHTSdraughts n. Plural of draught.
draughts n. (Board games, Britain, Australia, uncountable) A board game for two players in which the players each…
draughts n. A mild vesicatory.
DRAUGHTYdraughty adj. (British spelling) Standard spelling of drafty.
DRAUGHTY adj. exposed to currents of air, also DRAFTY.
GATHEREDgathered v. Simple past tense and past participle of gather.
gathered adj. (Quakerism) focused, centered, achieving a state of shared mysticism.
GATHER v. to bring together in one place or group.
GILTHEADgilthead n. A marine fish, Sparus aurata (gilt-head bream), with a golden-coloured head; the giltpoll.
gilthead n. Symphodus melops, a coastal fish; the golden maid, conner, or sea partridge.
gilt-head n. The gilt-head bream.
GOATHERDgoatherd n. A person who herds, tends goats.
GOATHERD n. one who tends goats.
GRAITHEDgraithed v. Simple past tense and past participle of graith.
GRAITH v. (Scots) to dress, prepare.
HAGADISTHagadist n. Alternative form of Haggadist.
HAGADIST n. (Hebrew) a scholar versed in the haggadah, the Pesach guidebook, used during Seder, also HAGGADIST.
HAGGADOTHaggadot prop.n. Plural of Haggada.
Haggadot prop.n. Plural of Haggadah.
HAGGADA n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also AGGADA, AGGADAH, HAGGADAH.
HATGUARDhatguard n. A string or cord used to keep a hat on the wearer’s head.
HATGUARD n. a string for keeping a hat from being blown away.
HEADGATEheadgate n. A primary gate or valve at an aqueduct or other source that can be opened or closed to regulate the…
headgate n. A moveable framework designed to hold still the heads of cattle for various procedures.
HEADGATE n. a gate to control the flow of water.
THRANGEDthranged v. Simple past tense and past participle of thrang.
THRANG v. (Scots) to throng.
TIGHTWADtightwad n. (Colloquial, derogatory) One who is stingy; someone overly cautious or defensive with money.
Tightwad prop.n. A village in Missouri.
TIGHTWAD n. a stingy person.
WATCHDOGwatchdog n. A guard dog.
watchdog n. (Figurative) An individual or group that monitors the activities of another entity (such as an individual…
watchdog n. (Electronics, computing) Ellipsis of watchdog timer.
WAUGHTEDwaughted v. Simple past tense and past participle of waught.
WAUGHT v. (Scots) to drink in large draughts, also WAUCHT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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